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Terror Attack In London

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ummmm | 17:58 Wed 22nd May 2013 | News
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Gromit, I can only presume that you were also able to shrug off the beheading of Ken Bigley and all the other innocent hostages who have suffered the same horrendous fate at the hands of fanatical religious madmen. War is war, and war brings casualties on all sides. This was not war. It was cold blooded murder carried out in the most horrific and barbaric way...
22:36 Thu 23rd May 2013
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But something as big as this wouldn't tempt you to turn the TV on and get some facts?
'Why didn't you just turn the TV on?'

because i dont watch tv unsure how many times i have to say this... from the video i saw just a while ago the reporter said the man made a SERIES of political statements which he didnt... i would rather watch or read something that doesnt add on to the facts.... and im also unsure how many times i have to ask you to point out where i defended muslims as you still havent told me
But pdust, TV aside there have been plenty of links provided which would have more than assisted you in availing yourself of the facts, dreadful and shocking in the extreme though they are.

As Mr Lincoln mused:

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
*But something as big as this wouldn't tempt you to turn the TV on and get some facts?*

i just answered that before i saw it.... saying what i just pointed out isnt fact... and no it wouldnt as i dont watch tv!!! i dont read papers either... i will watch online or read online but i hate tv.....and i did say the only thing i could find was the video of the white tent with a reporter talking...
yes chilldoubt and i replied to the links i was given if you read what i said
ummm im about to go to bed in 10 minutes could you please please point out where i have defended muslims?
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The way you say if it was an attack made by someone from CofE would we call it a Christian attack.

That to me sounds defensive...

I also answered before.
i dont see how its a terrorist attack, its a murder by two nutters by the looks of it.... i asked if someone of different religion had done the same would it be seen as an act of terrorism.... for example the nutter in norway or wherever it was who planted two bombs and killed all those people .... that was seen as an act of an insane man not terrorism.... i wasnt defending i was questioning
i actually saw your other answer earlier but didnt realise you had answered as you wrote ...

You didn't read the thread or find out the facts before answering. It seemed you were trying to pick holes in what was being reported. You at first thought that this soldier was beheaded in retaliation for some attacks on Mosques. I would have thought that something as horrendous as this you would have checked it out instead of instead of instantly questioning why it's considered a terrorist attack just because they are Muslim.

if you had read what i had written i did say i was going to read the thread first but the post saying it was an islamist attack made me answer when i saw it.... i then said i had seen comments that it was in retaliation ( i didnt state as fact it was or agree with it) and of course i asked why it was considered terrorism.. none of that meant i was defending anyone
They shouted

“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth".
“We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you...Your people will never be safe. In our land our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. You think David Cameron is going to get caught in the street when we start busting our guns you think politicians are going to die? No it’s going to be the average guy, like you, and your children".

Sounds like terrorism to me.
i had just logged out but logged back in to reply to you alwaysconfused....can you give a link to the video with all that please? no one else said they said all that when i was questioning why it was seen as terrorism... and like i said before the bit where they said people wont be safe and get the government out didnt sound like it was said in a threatening way, it sounded like he was pointing out our government causes crap all over but cant protect its own.... and by that im not agreeing or condoning what he said, im going by the way he said it
While my thought go with the family of the victim, sadly, when an attack like this takes place, on both sides people will use religious belief as the reason for and against the attack; while I deplore such acts of murder, in turn, and too often, people will hate a particular group because of their religious beliefs - an islamist terrorist hides behind his/her religion as the reason why innocent people should die, but almost everyone else tars every Muslim with the same brush. Does that mean all Spanish people should be loathed because of the Basque separatists, or the Irish people because of terror groups like the IRA?
Hatred of Muslims is not a recent thing, or because of 9/11: you should read Edward Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, especially his volume on Mohammed and the Rise of the Arabs.

These people are murderers, period.
you'll see quite a bit from this

Murders are just that. Hang them for their crime, that's what I say, and not for their religion.
-- answer removed --

oh dear an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

that is the lex talonis innit ? exodus 21 24 and mt 5:38

I am surprised no one has commented on this.

The other thing was that the fella was afro caribbean (IMO) and had a Jamaican accent so that when he said "Our People...." I thought good one I wonder who he is talking about
Muslims is what he meant i believe. There were two black males, you didn't hear the other say anything as far as i can make out, i thought the first was more African than Afro Caribbean, but no matter, they are vile specimens of humanity, what they did defies logic, description.
not a jamaican accent PP, but this -
Oh god I dont believe this: thanks mushie: you mean Audrey Hepburn (Ih Hampshire and Hammersmith, hurricanes hardly happen) goes into her local chippy and comes out

spikking lark dis, innit ?

I thought it was down to our skoolz.

Oh and a question to pdust who has been keeping up the Muslim end, in a lonely but gallant action, Allahu Akbar - I heard one commentator refer to it with a technical phrase - takbir ? Takrir ? Ta' bir. And you would be the one to know.....

and to pdust question no 2 - and eye for an eye - isnt Koranic is it ?
[ I have only done the surat al anba ]
Last night's news reported that one of the attackers is Nigerian.

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