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Terror Attack In London

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ummmm | 17:58 Wed 22nd May 2013 | News
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Gromit, I can only presume that you were also able to shrug off the beheading of Ken Bigley and all the other innocent hostages who have suffered the same horrendous fate at the hands of fanatical religious madmen. War is war, and war brings casualties on all sides. This was not war. It was cold blooded murder carried out in the most horrific and barbaric way...
22:36 Thu 23rd May 2013
You seem to have plenty of comment for someone who hasn't watched it...
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It does appear that pdust jumped to the defence of Muslims without knowing the facts.
kylesmum i was reading through the post from the start and posted the first video in response to someone who said something about imam or community speaking out about it, i posted the 2nd which i have seen ages ago as i couldnt understand why it was being called a terror attack

bbananas if you read what ive written you will see ive said loads of times i havent seen it and my comments were in response to other comments so wind your neck in why dont you
no i didnt umm, i was wanting to know why it was classed as a terror attack and asked if someone of different religion did similar would it still be classed as that.. i said right from first post i hadnt seen anything about it til i got home from work
Headwreck has posted a quite comprehensive link for you, i'm sure you'll have had time to watch that by now.

Take careful note of the dead body in the background, the blood on the murderers hands along with the meat cleaver he used to behead him in broad daylight, then perhaps you may wish to comment.
Its,let's be frank, unbelievable.
You claim not to have seen something (because you've been in work all day. So you get home and instead of putting on one of several 24hr news channels you log on the internet to argue about something you haven't seen.
im sure if you read my comments kylesmum you will see i thanked wrecky for the link saying it was the most info i had seen so far or something...

can you please point out where i jumped to the defence of muslims umm? in my opinon they are nutters.... i never defended them at all, i said i didnt see why it was classed as a terror attack... that isnt defending anyone
He himself called it an Islamic attack, no-one else.

I'm bushed, all I can leave this thread with is RIP Soldier.

Me too km.
you can wind your neck in too svejk... i never watch tv, im sure plenty of people on here know that, ive said it often enough.. i sat down after i got home with a cup of hot chocolate, went on fb, here and a couple of other places and saw all the posts about it ...and im not arguing, i said i dont see how it could be called a terrorist attack..... just because you and others may watch tv the entire time you are at home doesnt mean we all do
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You didn't read the thread or find out the facts before answering. It seemed you were trying to pick holes in what was being reported. You at first thought that this soldier was beheaded in retaliation for some attacks on Mosques. I would have thought that something as horrendous as this you would have checked it out instead of instead of instantly questioning why it's considered a terrorist attack just because they are Muslim.

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I read about it first on facebook and the first thing I did was turn the TV on.
And please, stop advising us to "wind our necks in". Take your own advice.
pdust - you seem to take some smug pride in the fact that you don't watch tv. I don't watch a lot of TV, but when something happens I tune in to find out the bigger picture. I enjoy AB, but I wouldn't comment on a post unless I had SOME knowledge of the events.
umm you know full well all the way through i was asking why it was classed as a terror attack and that i hadnt seen what had happened. would you please tell me where i defended the muslims? i said i had seen comments saying it was in retaliation.. i asked was it? i didnt jump in saying it was or anything.... i was trying to get the story together.... and you know i asked for info as i couldnt find much online about the whys and wherefores of it... i would appreciate if you would point out where i defended muslims please

kylesmum can you give me a link to where he said it was an islamist attack? i saw that by a poster on here but thought it was his own view...
bananas your first comment was 'You seem to have plenty of comment for someone who hasn't watched it...'

you will notice that most of my comments said i hadnt seen much about it so why post with a cocky statement like that?
For the last thirty odd years, politicians have spoken of change in regard to society. Well, they have certainly succeeded there. How can politicians sleep at night knowing what they have created.
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Why didn't you just turn the TV on?
how on earth does me saying i dont watch tv all the time like some mean im making a smug statement confusedagain? im stating fact... and if you read you will see that i asked for info for gawds sake.... i dont like tv, i dont watch it, i couldnt care less if a meteor was headed to earth with real time video of it, i still wouldnt put on tv
I don't think it was a cocky statement. It wasn't meant to be. Just an observation.

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