Sqad, I've posted about it before. We started our own business (sold up, left our (well paid) jobs and bought a pub). We researched it thoroughly and it wasn't a decision taken lightly. However, things didn't work out and we ended up losing everything. We then had to apply for benefits but they are not instant. We couldn't pay the rent for some months so got evicted (even though we did eventually get housing benefit to pay it back). With a bad credit rating and no deposit it is really hard to rent somewhere (no housing association housing available - but we were offered accommodation 20 miles from the children's school in a hostel). We had no one to ask for help and knew no one in the area. We are lucky, we have managed to get back on our feet because we are resourceful people. It was a horrible time which made me really ill and I despair for people who are in that situation long term.