It looks like UKiP peaked too early a couple of months ago. They did well in the local elections, but the are rapidly declining.
// ...the continuing collapse in support for Ukip, down from 18% in May – just after its local election success – to 12% in June and now just 7%.
The fall in the Ukip share may reflect the recent comparative decline in publicity for the party's leader, Nigel Farage, and Downing Street's persistent efforts to neutralise Ukip's appeal by countering with a series of strong messages on immigration, welfare and a referendum on UK membership of the European Union. //
Will UKiP voters transfer to a Conservative Party led by Cameron? Wasn't he the reason most turned to UKiP in the first place? In order to have any chance of winning a majority in 2015, don't the Conservatives need to ditch Dave?
No UKIP's moment is more likely to be (ironically) during the run-up to the Euro elections. What would they do if we ever left the EU :-)
But as pointed out of course they are more of a pressure group than a political party. And in fact an economic as well as a political one. Calling them closet racists seems a bit unfair, Obviously they attract a few rejects from the BNP but I don't believe the party is motivated by race hate as the BNP is.
ICM Research interviewed a random sample of 1,003 adults aged 18+ by telephone on 12-14 July 2013. Interviews were conducted across the country and the results have been weighted to the profile of all adults.
Evidence that they are a party of protest perhaps, and also evidence that they thrive mostly on publicity. Come election time - local, or a by-election, or european elections, then their popularity might surge again.
Whatever else you might say about them, they have proved to be a focal point for a large proportion of the population to express their discontent with the EU and our relationship to it, and have succeeded in shifting the tone and terms of the argument.