Have not read the report in full, but it is right to commission reports from business leaders, investors in Britain and others into the business case for and against our membership of the EU.
I think that successive governments and politicians have been guilty of not properly publicising what the UK gets from the EU, and the public rightly have begun to question whether we are getting value for money.
Some reforms are long overdue. They could clean house and do a lot to improve the image of the EU as a gravy train for a select few by cleaning up salaries, pensions arrangements, extremely generous expenses and allowances, and a very generous tax system for a start.
Then they could stop this ridiculous and symbolic movement of the parliament between Brussels and Strasbourg 12 times a year, at a cost of nearly 200 million Euros a year. shuttling papers and staff and representatives. They could settle on one official language so they do not have to produce official reports and suchlike in triplicate.
They could be much more hardheaded and businesslike about who they offer EU grants to, as well.
Personally, I think on balance it benefits the UK more to stay within the EU than to leave, but there are a lot of things that need to change and be renegotiated....