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The Four Indian Men Convicted Of Rape And Murder Have Been Sentenced To Death.

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sandyRoe | 14:15 Fri 13th Sep 2013 | News
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/// her response is clear - under Indian law, it has been served. ///

No it wasn't because that is not what she said.
AOG - This revolting crime occurred on Indian soil and the perpetrators were Indian citizens; they were tried in an Indian Court under Indian Law and received the maximum permissible sentence under Indian Law.

I would say that Justice has been served.

SandyRoe's question did not call for thoughts on the rightness, or otherwise, of Capital Punishment in *this* country.
They knew the likely penalty when they chose to commit this truly horrendous crime. So be it.
AOG - what jack said was - "With the sentence - Yes, under Indian Law."

Just how semantic do you want to be on this?
Thankyou for taking up the metaphorical cudgels on my behalf, Andy. :o)

You, at least, seem to understand what I said, even if it is beyond AOG to do so....

I understood. I think everyone understood. Just that AOG 'chose' not to.
You are welcome jack.

I seem to be spending most of the afternoon jumping between posts and debating with a number of tenacious fellow AB'ers - compared to those threads, yours was entirely straightforward!
didn't one get off a lesser sentence because of his age?

/// compared to those threads, yours was entirely straightforward! ///

Ah isn't that nice, flattery will get you nowhere.
Have I cleared it up for you, now, AOG?
-- answer removed --
Usual right-on posts from the usual suspects.

Yes, it is right, India has a big problem with the abuse of women and this will serve to show the position of the state
Will it, though? There are concerns that might be legitimate that the State is taking such a tough line against these men, but at the expense of tackling the wider issues of how women are treated in their Society. If this punishment stops these men from doing it ever again, yes that's something, but the aim should also be to stop anyone and everyone from doing it ever again. I hope at least, then, that this sense doesn't serve as a distraction from the real issues.

It's not clear that there is any causal link between abolition of the Death Penalty and a rise in crime. Not least because a whole host of other societal changes went on at roughly the same time that tend to muddy the waters. But, as a rule, what is more likely to deter people is the fear of being caught. The punishment can be as severe as you like, but if there's no realistic chance of detection it's unlikely to make any difference to a criminal's thinking.
Jordyboy - have you checked out jack's avatar?
Regardless of thoughts on the death penalty, if the sentence is carried out, this lot won't be doing it again.
suppose they are not the men involved, but the judiciary needed to do something, one would expect the men involved to profess their innocence, including the boy who got jail time, but no death sentence, if they are not guilty then the four will have been executed, can't undo that...
Is there a suggestion that they're not guilty? I heard they will have several chances to appeal.
It wasn't only a rape.

They pushed an iron bar inside her, and caused her such horrific internal injuries that, after several days of suffering, she died.

Death penalty?

Yep. Bring it on.
JJ, i read that but sincerely wished you hadn't mentioned it, but yes there has been talk of their innocence, that the authorities needed a quick result, because of the very nature of the crime, that these may not be the men involved. Of course they may be, but i doubt if there is as much trouble taken as we would in the UK over the innocence/guilt of the suspects, if your country has as massive a problem as India does on sexual abuse, rape, then maybe the authorities were looking for scapegoats. I am not saying they are innocent, i am saying however that perhaps it needs a more than thorough investigation on the part of the Indian authorities, and not use the men as sacrificial lambs on the altar of expediency

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