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What Happened In Leicester?

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sandyRoe | 19:45 Fri 13th Sep 2013 | News
170 Answers
A young man named Antoin Akpom is stabbed and the following night a house is firebombed and a mother with her three children die in the blaze.


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Good only joined in to have a pop anyway!!!
Really Em, I think the mother of the family in Harlow was also a qualified doctor, but gave up to look after the family.
-- answer removed --

It is understood Mr Sattar's wife was a qualified doctor but was not working.

No seriously...what???

I've checked through this thread and I posted two links. One was to The Guardian and that was relevant to the point I was making about the dog/stable comment. The other was to The Express and that was relevant to the Philpott story.

I literally can't work out your posts...

Incidentally, one capitalised word is emphasis, not shouting.

But seeing as you're going now...I don't need to.

It's not a spat. AOG has not been rude, only sir.prize and he's gone now.

The original question is almost moot now. It's given rise to the question of 'Britishness'.

I think I am, and AOG (I believe, although I am not sure) doesn't think so.

I'm trying to establish what nationality AOG thinks I am, and why I am not (in his eyes) British.
AOG, //Please supply the points that I have made that have shocked your all so delicate system//

I’ve already supplied the points – and my system is far from delicate.

/// If AOG is allowed to argue a point, am I not allowed to respond? ///

Now don't come out with that one, it was me who was forced to respond to 'YOUR' usual comments, and not the other way round, and for this I have been accused of all manner of things, first and foremost Racism (and if that is not usual from the usual suspects) who incidentally ignore yours, but then we all know that being English we are not given such protection from the 'race card'.

You are the guilty one who has turned this thread into something all out of recognition, and a breeding ground for all manner of insults and accusations.

/// I didn't bring nationality into it, New Judge, bazwillrun and Snafu03 did. ///

Well at least this time you didn't drag me into it, unlike some, but in New Judge, bazwillrun and Snafu03 defence, was there anything wrong in doing so, seeing that although we don't know the nationality of both sets of victims, except to say that they have been described by the media as black (the boy who was stabbed) and Muslim the family who died in the fire?

Is there anything wrong in those descriptions or are they both far too sensitive to mention?

ANOTHEOLDGIT, do you think the former South African Presidents you named, were Africans, yes or no?

Look back at his thread.

I raised an objection to the dog/stable analogy.

You were not involved at that point.

You then posted:

"I agree with the culture aspect, no matter if one is born in a country not of its ancestors, one cannot be classed a true native, because all the different races of the world have certain in built ancestral cultures, ie African culture is entirely different to European culture, and if I were born in Africa I would not share the same culture any more than I expect an African to share the same culture as an Englishman."

To which I asked, "Am I not British".

So, don't you think that everything that came after that is a direct discussion of both of our ideas of Britishness?

Am I not allowed to argue my point?
One could equally say what has the victim's husbands profession got to do with it?

This is a tragedy no matter what employment any concerned do for a living.
A thread about a family killed in a house fire and you lot arguing like a bunch of kids.

Shame on you
I hope you can ignore any insults that have been flung your way, and I hope I have not been one of the 'flingers".

Would still like to know whether you think Helen Mirren et al are British.

Ad whether, in your eyes, I am. I've said as much as I can about my outlook and the way that I live - so over to you.

If you say that you don't think I'm British, then fine. I won't discuss further. I'm just curious...because if I'm not ever going to be British, how on earth can I integrate? It would be pointless, surely?
if anyone had bothered to read the updated info link, this tells you where the family were from.

The family, originally from Pakistan, had a home in Ireland for at least 15 years before the children moved to the UK with their mother about five years ago for Islamic education.

I'm afraid it stopped being about the arson attack within about five posts.

Yes looking at it from that point of view, I agree you do have a point, and hope our future relationship won't suffer from how all this has got far too far out of hand.

Cheers AOG

/// A thread about a family killed in a house fire and you lot arguing like a bunch of kids. ///

/// Shame on you ///

Do not forget the poor black lad who was stabbed a multitude of times.

I am sure no disrespect was intended from the persons who got diverted down the usual diversions where many debates lead us to, this happens in all heated arguments.
Okay AOG. Let's move on.
This has turned out to be a strange thread. From a seemingly innocent question, Two of ABs long standing right wingers seem to have voluntarily outed themselves as bigots.

Quite odd.

The person who poisoned this post is the one who first made the offensive and completely unnecessary remark and about dogs and stables. Strange that he hasn't apologised ?

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