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"racist remarks"
really !
can you actually show me any...not ones you happen to think are racist in your little pc world, we all know that anybody that speaks up for the country and whats happening to it and has opinions that differ from you and others on here nearly always has that word thrown at them, but sadly for you that doesnt make them racist as much as youd like it too.
if you bother to reply, I couldnt give a monkeys if you do or dont by the way, but I know you wont be able to help yourself, but dont expect a quick reply back, i know thats something else that seems to peeve some on here, not getting a prompt enough reply.
I've had a free morning so needed to amuse myself, so to that end chose AB to help me, but the rest of the day is going to be pretty busy and unlike some of you on here AB is not a priority in my life.
and remember "Everybodys free to wear sunscreen"