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Harriet Harman's Husband Made A 'technological Mix Up'?

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anotheoldgit | 12:24 Thu 21st Nov 2013 | News
62 Answers
Surely it is not only our children's browsing habits that the government should be concerned about?

/// Official records showed that more than 300,000 attempts were made to access pornographic website in the Houses of Parliament last year. ///



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I'm glad to see he has followed his political leanings in following minority groups. That should please our Harriet.
and bigger bills, without a doubt
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Good grief, I despair, it was just a comment made on the back of the recent topical discussions that have taken place between the politicians and Google.

But what does one get the usual rather silly and childish chitter chatter, digs at the Daily Mail, and of course yours truly.

bloody hell, you are such a whinger. if you don't want people to reply to your posts, stop posting them
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/// bloody hell, you are such a whinger. if you don't want people to reply to your posts, stop posting them ///

I don't want people to reply in an infantile way, or in your case in such an abusive way.

And I don't need the likes of you to suggest that i should stop posting.

Much better for this site if for such people as you ceased to reply to my posts if you are not intelligent enough to join in an adult debate.
Lighten up AOG!
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/// For the record bednobs is worth a dozen of you. ///

Buttering up for favour once again I see?

Regarding your opinion of me, most of us know that there is little strength in your opinions
ha! No one is worth more than anyone else trigger happy, we are all one person with an opinion.
And once more, you moan about people having a dig at you, while you are having a dig at other people. It's utterly tedious to see.
do you have a flow chart?
1 post a news headline, and ask people to give their opions
2)imagine slights at you personally
3) stick your lip out, and be rude back, while moaning that people are rude to you.

I am perfectly happy to have a debate about news items, but seriously, if it upsets you that people don't agree with you, just stop posting

That's a nice dog in your avatar aog,
Does it have a tail?
I don't trust these filter, nor the figures they would produce. I just have to try to look at an AB thread on pussy cats to be blocked and told it is probable porn !
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/// And once more, you moan about people having a dig at you, while you are having a dig at other people. It's utterly tedious to see. ///

Before you accuse me of having a dig at people, perhaps you should first look nearer to home.

As i said previously I entered this question because I thought it topical since the recent politician/Google/protecting our young/ affair.

I made no offensive comments until you rudely called me a whinger.

The first entry post I made was to apologise for not supplying a link.

Then after about 23 posts, most either making remarks about knitting , and certain other ridicules, caused me to explain my purpose (if I ever needed to, but never the less I did) for posting my thread.

/// 1 post a news headline, and ask people to give their opions ///

Opinions not snide remarks.

/// 2)imagine slights at you personally ///

Not imagine, read the slights.

/// 3) stick your lip out, and be rude back, while moaning that people are rude to you. ///

No get so annoyed at people being rude to me that I unfortunately find the need to be rude back.

/// I am perfectly happy to have a debate about news items, but seriously, if it upsets you that people don't agree with you, just stop posting ///

That is so generous of you, but I have got to ask, when are you going to start debating?

I don't ask others to agree with me but just to allow me the choice to also have an opinion which might not always agree with theirs.

And once again regarding your advise for me to stop posting, no way, I have as much right to post as you do.
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Oh dear, AOG,I did make 'a dig' at the Daily Mail . I realise that what is written in it is taken as unquestionably true by some; lots of people have beliefs ; but my 'dig' was at one of the journalistic devices it uses. These belong in the repertoire of any propagandist, whether political or not. My school taught them, so we'd know how to spot them for what they were: 'dog whistle' (as it is now called), misleading statistics, classical fallacies, emotive language, 'weasel words', misleading selection of facts, hyperbole, irrelevant facts to support their condemnation, and all the rest. That was 50 years ago, but nothing has changed.

Do you notice them? Perhaps not; if they are preaching to the converted, the converted won't notice; or is it that you do and think "Oh, well, that's just what they do; it is a good paper, for all that" ?
AOG, I think people were waiting for you to explain your question. You provided no link, so some, including me, had no idea what you were talking about.

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