I have no quibble with the law which was applied in this case.
But is the spirit of this law that transgressors should be merely financially chastised, not that their business should be entirely driven into the ground?? (Not to mention internet related enhancements, such as wheelnut tampering, dead rabbit nailed to the garden fence, vandalism etc.)
And, much as I would like to remain on friendly and speaking terms with Fred and other legal sector people on AB because I find its intricacies and foibles endlessly fascinating, I am unable to avoid saying that the being driven to bankruptcy thing was at the hands of the lawyers and probably not why the gay couple had envisaged when they set out on taking it to court.
Let's face it, if their solicitor had been honest, he would have told them straight that they were bang to rights, had no case and should have just paid the £3600 fine, shut up about the whole thing and prayed that the local snoozepaper was as far as the publicity went.
Taking their own solicitor to court though. What are the odds of them getting all their costs back, out of a malpractice suit? Who would even take on a case "against their own kind"?
(Is that worth a completely separate thread?)