"rightwing, Nationalist Escapism” in The AnswerBank: News
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"rightwing, Nationalist Escapism”

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Gromit | 15:25 Mon 13th Jan 2014 | News
20 Answers
// Immigrants make Britain a “far more exciting and healthier” society, Ken Clarke has said, as he rejected claims by the Prime Minister that European Union rules have let to “vast migrations” of foreigners.
In comments that will enrage Downing Street, Mr Clarke, the Minister without Portfolio, described the debate about stopping “foreigners coming here” as “rightwing, nationalist escapism”. //


Not much to disagree with there?
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Nice to see a bit of fracking in the Govt front bench.
the same Kenneth Clarke who believes there are different degrees of rape?
do you agree with him on that too?
There are different degrees of rape , just as there are different degrees of murder and different degrees of theft, mushroom. Or would you give all rapists the same sentence ? If not, why not?

Ken Clarke is right on immigration too, in what he said, but not, of course, in what some people will say he meant or said.
All grist for the mill, this Tory in-fighting !
Silly old fool.
/the debate about stopping “foreigners coming here” as “rightwing, nationalist escapism”/

Like the Nuremberg Rallies then?

Or going to a Jim Davidson gig?

The same kenneth clarke thats is happy to sell us down the eussr river...

no doubt he would think immigration is good for us, suits them also
He's right of course but the message is seriously out of kilter with current obsessions
Good for him for saying it though. One politician who cares not to go with the flow for popularity, whether sensibly or otherwise
Funny that all parties have watched the influx of Asian and Middle eastern immigrants but draw the line at Europeans !
Where exactly does Mr Clarke live then ?

//Funny that all parties have watched the influx of Asian and Middle eastern immigrants but draw the line at Europeans ! //

I suspect had immigration happened the other way around, similar fears would now be voiced. It's a question of numbers - not nationality.
Mr Clarke is the MP for Rushcliffe (Notts), WR. He must live there, at least.
//Mr Clarke is the MP for Rushcliffe (Notts), WR. He must live there, at least.//

he claimed his notts home was his main residence, thus qualifying for a second homes allowance on his London residence. yet he told the local council that he spent so little time in his constituency that his wife should qualify for 25% single person discount.
I'm sure mass immigration is delightful for Ken, and anyone else it doesn't affect. Well, anyone lacking a social conscience.
Well, mushroom, he certainly has a sense of humour :)
may have a sense of humour, but little common sense, as to rape, no there isn't a difference, try it and see,
as long as your idea of exciting and healthier is to live in cramped, squalid conditions on even lower pay in an attempt to make yourself competetive in the blue collar job market.
Ken Clarke is a lefty in the wrong party, always has been. He is also a big fan of the EU so hardly any surprise these comments.

What is wrong is Camerons lack of spine in not getting shot of him, out of the party totally.
"He is also a big fan of the EU "

an understatement of epic proportions

when cameron got him back in government, for the eussr thats was like getting a spy in at the highest level

apart from the eussr connection of ken there was no real logical explanation for his post except as a fifth columnist on the eussr behalf...seems to be working well for them

another one happy to sell this country down the rioad
Not sure I agree with his “rightwing, nationalist escapism”. comment, seems it is just the latest form of the ancient and overused comment that it is 'racist' to even discuss immigration.

But this is also what he said,

/// Free movement of immigrants in the EU is needed to run a market economy and restrictions should not go further than curbs on access to benefits or the NHS, Mr Clarke said. ///

And one has to agree that there should be curbs imposed on the access to benefits, and the NHS, and regarding this both Labour and the Lib-Dems also agree with Ian Duncan Smith's suggestions.

/// It came as Labour and the Liberal Democrats backed calls from Conservative ministers for tougher limits on European Union migrants' rights to claim benefits in Britain. ///

/// Nick Clegg, the Lib Dem leader, said Mr Duncan Smith's idea was "eminently sensible". ///

I think that if the 'carrot' was withdrawn, we would see immigration brought down to a mere trickle.

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