On a broader point, this flagrant misuse of statistics is seriously dangerous. One tragic example worth citing once again is that of "Meadow's Law", named after Roy Meadow, whose terrible misuse of statistics essentially saw many mothers wrongly convicted of murdering their babies, who in fact had just died suddenly. How tragic and awful to lose your child, through no fault of your own, and then be sent down for murdering them too! Sally Clark was one such mother, she never recovered and succumbed to alcohol poisoning.
The statistical crime in this case was, to my knowledge, twofold. Firstly, the accidental death of a child is an extraordinary event. But then, so is a murderous mother. Meadow only considered the likelihood of the first, deemed it to be small, and drew the conclusion that it must have been murder. The courts seemed to believe him, even when there was no other evidence than his own opinion.
The second error was the assumption that there was no medical connection between the death of one child and deaths in similar circumstances of any subsequent children. Thus, if the chance of one child dying by accident is about 1 in a million, then the two children dying in the same family ought to be one in a million squared, one in a million million, which is so small. But it's also utter nonsense! In fact the two events are highly correlated -- since, if cot deaths are genetic (which appears to be at least partly the case) then it follows that one cot death in a family suggests that any future children are likely to be at risk from inheriting the same gene.
Meadow's Law states that "one is a tragedy, two is suspicious and three is murder -- unless there is proof to the contrary." This "law" came from a dreadful misunderstanding of statistics. And as I have explained above it led to massive tragedy, as, guided by the phony numbers, courts sent many mothers to prison for no other justifcation, and apparently many other mothers were separated from their children.
Frankly, your understanding of statistics is demonstrably no better than his was. If, in future, you have a question about probability, then, I'd suggest you ask the question honestly: you'll get a better answer that you are far more likely to be able to use. In the meantime, I'd suggest learning more about probability and statistics before ever trying to use them to support a view. And don't you dare quote me again, or ask me (or other mathematical experts) a question under false pretences to support such a disgusting view.
See also: