Old_Jim, //It has little to do with Islam….. Al Qaeda regards anything to do with the West and in particular the USA as being the work of the devil. //
Those two statements are somewhat contradictory but that said, it's high time people stopped making excuses for radical Islam. The prophet Mohammed was a warmonger and radical Islam is enshrined in delusion, mistrust, and a determination to dominate. The Koran exhorts brutality in the extreme towards the perceived enemies of Islam, a perception which, in itself, carries ominous implications for non-Muslims – every one of whom is deemed by radical Islam to be an enemy. Within the ranks of the fundamentalist, conspiracy theories abound, and are wholeheartedly believed, as is the antiquated supernatural superstition that Islam promotes. Al Qaeda, the Taliban, the mad Mullahs, the suicide bombers, the people who take to the streets demanding the severed heads of cartoonists and writers and of teachers who allow Teddy bears to be named ‘Mohammed’ - and the killers of Lee Rigby – all these people live their religion in every aspect of their lives. They ARE their religion – so please, no more ‘this has little to do with Islam’. It has everything to do with Islam and until the world opens its eyes and acknowledges that, it has no prospect whatsoever of ever comprehending the backward, barbaric, inflexible mentality that is bringing nothing but misery and pain to this planet.