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Another B+B Tries To Break The Law.

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mikey4444 | 09:08 Thu 20th Mar 2014 | News
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Despite the case in Cornwall going against the Bulls, another couple want to break anti-discrimination laws. Why are people like this so terribly interested in what people do it bed ?


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When you are talking about somebody's home (complete with three kids) doubling up as a B+B, it seems to me that they should be able to accept or refuse anybody they want. for whatever reason they want. This is just another example of the gay lobby trying to force absolutely everybody to see things their way.
14:39 Thu 20th Mar 2014
Why don't gays try camping instead?
But straight people can go anywhere.
It isn't a valid comparison jno. Adults and children have quite different requirements for their leisure activites, which need to be catered for differently. (as indeed do those in what you might call the club 18-30 group), so it's reasonable to provide options that cater specifically for those age ranges and exclude others.

There are no such fundamental differences between gays/straights - married/singles - irish/latvians/english, so it's not reasonable to have a facility that specifically excludes any of these groups.
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Jack the hat has made a very valid point. Later this month, gay people will be allowed to marry. According to the link above, this couple only allow married couples to book double rooms. It will be interesting to see if their bluff can be called by a gay married couple turning up. I suspect that it good old anti-gay discrimination at the bottom ( sorry ! ) of all this.
naomi24 - are you advising that straight people are discriminated against in their choice of bars?

How would that work? I am not aware of a 'straight-detector' that door staff can run over the bodies of prospective customers like a metal detector.

Last time I checked, you could not discern an individual's sexuality by looking at them - so how does this discrimination work?
If you come from a minority -defined by your ethnic background or sexual orientation - I can see that you might be more comfortable in bars or clubs where you can mingle freely with others, where you ethnicity or sexual orientation does not single you out or leave you open to harms or insult.

Hence the rise in "gay bars", for instance. But most of these gay bars become that not through any formal door policy, but simply because that is where those with a specific orientation congregate. I am not aware of any such bars that have a door policy that turns away heterosexuals, for example, although perhaps some heterosexuals may feel uncomfortable in such places and make their own decision not to go.

That does not amount to discrimination, in my view, nor is it really analogous with running a B&B on christian principles and refusing some guests access on the grounds of their sexual orientation.
fighting an unwinnable case.....

When Gazza claimed a right of privacy in the good old days when there was nt one....
The judge first said Gazza - isnt there an opera of that name ? Gazza Ladra or silken ladder ?

and altho the QC of course my lord I believe there is....

commentators pointed out that the Gazza Ladra was the Thieving Magpie and the Ladder of Silk was La Scala di Sete - both of which did not concern international footballers....

BUT..... the judge also walked in and added
Dont we know the law on this ?

If you instruct a lawyer clearly enough they will say anything in court.
The words to use are: this is a matter of principle.....
wallets spring open at this command
andy, either a family can go on a given cruise or they can't. Saying "You can only go on some cruises" is like saying "Gays can stay in my B&B but only on Tuesdays."

I'm not being anti-gay, I'm just wondering if equality can be divisible like this, so that some people's rights to equal treatment are greater than others'.
// According to the link above, this couple only allow married couples to book double rooms //

All that will happen is that the people who oppose gay marriage will refuse to recognise the marriage as a valid one under the rules of their belief, so they'll be back at square one, fighting court cases that they'll ultimately lose.
Andy, //naomi24 - are you advising that straight people are discriminated against in their choice of bars?

How would that work? I am not aware of a 'straight-detector' that door staff can run over the bodies of prospective customers like a metal detector.

Last time I checked, you could not discern an individual's sexuality by looking at them - so how does this discrimination work? //

You need to address your questions to SP. He's the one who said the numbers of straight people in some gay bars are restricted.

09:04 Thu 20th Mar 2014 //But then there are gay bars which operate policies to restrict the number of straight people allowed in.//
jno - "andy, either a family can go on a given cruise or they can't. Saying "You can only go on some cruises" is like saying "Gays can stay in my B&B but only on Tuesdays."

I am not entirely sure that 'adults only' cruises are offered as such, but parties with children are not refused - simply advised of the way the crew and faciities are geared - towards adults.

Obviously 'child-friendly' cruises are open to both, and I have cruised on such trips without children myself - and accept and indeed enjoy the fact that children are around and about the ship.
09:04 Thu 20th Mar 2014 //But then there are gay bars which operate policies to restrict the number of straight people allowed in.//

oh God get the Lesbians to complain they can put any lpublican to flight just by snarling at them
er Nile Cruises made no difficulty about two men and two women.....
we all had a good time
// Last time I checked, you could not discern an individual's sexuality by looking at them - so how does this discrimination work? //

You need to ask sp1814 andy, not Naomi. He's the one that informed that this discrimination takes place.
// You need to address your questions to SP. He's the one who said the numbers of straight people in some gay bars are restricted //

..err yep. she already said it. Great minds eh Naomi?
andy, there really are adults only cruises. They're for people who don't like kids. If any of them went on such a cruise and found there were indeed children on it, they'd be in touch with their lawyers.
//// once you start running something as a business and open it up to the paying public, it changes things, and you can't just impose whatever rules you like. ////

Not true. Some shops ban shirtless males. Some nightclubs ban people wearing jeans. Some museums ban cameras. Some trains ban cycles. And so on. So how is this different ?
@ Canary You are equating a dress code with discrimination based upon gender orientation? How does that work then?

(Religion is obsessed with sex).

That is not quite true, it may be obsessed with morality but that is a complete different thing.

Through the ages religion helped to steer us down some form of self discipline, but now with the increased disinterest in religion today, it has unfortunately brought us to the position that we now see ourselves in today, with broken family life, children in families that have different fathers, and the total disrespect of the opposite sex that some pre-adolescents show today etc.

This all started with the swinging sixties, and we can not go back now, it can only get worse.

I am not a particularly religious person but I think we have lost something from the days when churches were full on a Sunday (even in the most deprived areas) most children attended Sunday School, and attended school morning assembly for prayers and hymns.

ummmm, //But straight people can go anywhere. //

No, they can't. SP said they can't.

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