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Another B+B Tries To Break The Law.

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mikey4444 | 09:08 Thu 20th Mar 2014 | News
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Despite the case in Cornwall going against the Bulls, another couple want to break anti-discrimination laws. Why are people like this so terribly interested in what people do it bed ?


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When you are talking about somebody's home (complete with three kids) doubling up as a B+B, it seems to me that they should be able to accept or refuse anybody they want. for whatever reason they want. This is just another example of the gay lobby trying to force absolutely everybody to see things their way.
14:39 Thu 20th Mar 2014

I's completely hypocritical of me to support gay bars which use ruses to limit the number of straight people who are allowed in...but the reasons are understandable.

There are bars that I know of in Canal Street which are now completely changed in atmosphere because of the number of hen parties that descend on them every weekend. And where hen parties go, straight men will follow. The whole point about gay bars is that they are a safe place where gay men can go and know that they won't be abused, and they can chat up whomsoever they wish.

The problem with a small minority of straight men is that they introduce confusion into the mix. And aggression.
No he didn't. He said 'restrict'.

There is a difference...
@SP Do these bars have a formal door policy though, SP? One that questions sexual orientation before letting people in? I would be amazed if that were the case....
And I completely agree with SP.

/// @ Canary You are equating a dress code with discrimination based upon gender orientation? How does that work then? ///

It goes to show that it is only some sections of the community that are given the sole privilege not to be discriminated against.

With hen parties (which are easily identifiable), I've seen door staff insist that each girl come in with a bloke.

In fact, I've seen the same happen in straight bars - where large groups of men are stopped at the door and told that there's too many of them. I assume in straight bars, door staff are instructed to keep the numbers of men and women roughly equal.

As I say, I know I'm being hypocritical, and me and my friends have talked about this and we all feel pretty conflicted.
@AoG It is a false equivalence, AoG. There is a world of difference between a business that has, for example, a dress code - because that will apply to everyone regardless of their ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation, and a business that attempts to discriminate against people of a particular sexual orientation based upon their own religious beliefs.

As is the notion of a camera ban in museums, which is a ban taken on commercial grounds.

Trying to equate these trivial things with gender or race discrimination is an absurd equivalence to draw.
No comparison. People are born gay/black/white yada yada...

What people wear changes daily...

/// There are bars that I know of in Canal Street which are now completely changed in atmosphere because of the number of hen parties that descend on them every weekend. And where hen parties go, straight men will follow. The whole point about gay bars is that they are a safe place where gay men can go and know that they won't be abused, and they can chat up whomsoever they wish. ///

Perhaps there are also Guest Houses that have also changed in atmosphere because of the number of gay couples who have descended on them?

/// The problem with a small minority of straight men is that they introduce confusion into the mix. And aggression. ///

Sounds like you are also being judgementally unfair towards straight men, are there not gay men who are also filled with aggression.

Why shouldn't there also be straight bars where straight men can go and not be faced with being chatted up by gays?

Not being homophobic, only seeking a level playing field once again after your uncalled for remarks against straight males, and distaste for hen parties, why shouldn't both be allowed the freedom to go into any bar they choose?
How this thread got diverted down the gay path I do not know, this is about a guest house couple who will only allow married guests, no mention of homosexuals.
Have heteerosexual males every been a stereotyped minority, criminalised for their sexuality, beaten up and insulted for large periods of history, AoG?

And I am not sure what bars you have been frequenting, AoG, but I cannot remember the last time I had to fight my way past admiring and aggressive gays so I can order my pint. Perhaps it was because I was ugly ;)
SP, whatever the reason, if discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation is unlawful, then that rule must apply to all.

AOG, people knew all about sex before the 1960s. Try digging around a few family trees - you'd be very surprised at the number of 'premature' births registered.
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It would seem that this couple are in the wrong line of business, if they think that discrimination is the way to go. They are in hospitality and I can't think of a less welcoming way of running a guest house than to demand sight of a marriage cert. before bedtime.
AOG - "/// The problem with a small minority of straight men is that they introduce confusion into the mix. And aggression. ///

Sounds like you are also being judgementally unfair towards straight men, are there not gay men who are also filled with aggression."

There are aggressive people in all stratas of life, but to be realistic - based purely on percentages, you are bound to find more aggressive straight men, than gay men, simply because there will be more of them on any given night out.

Although you would have to agree, the aggression towards gay men from straight men is always going outweigh the opposite scenario - a large number of straiught men are frightened of homosecuality, and that fear manifests itself in aggression.

Speaking personlly, I would be delighted to be chatted up by a gay man - I will bask in perceived attraction from anyone, anywhere, but as stated, I am firmly in the minority with that viewpoint.
/The problem with a small minority of straight men is that they introduce confusion into the mix. And aggression. /
Sound awfully like gender prejudice to me, along with stereotyping. How come gay men can't identify straight men. Aren't they the ones that just say no?
mikey444 - "It would seem that this couple are in the wrong line of business, if they think that discrimination is the way to go. They are in hospitality and I can't think of a less welcoming way of running a guest house than to demand sight of a marriage cert. before bedtime."

A welcome steer back on track - and you echo entirely my point in my initial response - of you want to be a discriminatory Christian, don't run a guest house!
Oh - just seen it as 'Best Answer' - thank you, obviously you took my point!
Naomi - Why are you saying that straight people can't go anywhere?

SP was talking about hen parties and the like.

/// AOG, people knew all about sex before the 1960s. Try digging around a few family trees - you'd be very surprised at the number of 'premature' births registered. ///

I am not saying that premarital sex did not take place prior the 60s, that would be plain silly, but it was definitely not on the scale that we see today.


You wrote:

"Perhaps there are also Guest Houses that have also changed in atmosphere because of the number of gay couples who have descended on them?"

Highly doubtful.

You went on to say:

"Sounds like you are also being judgementally unfair towards straight men, are there not gay men who are also filled with aggression."

This is what I have nearly 30 years of going to gay bars, I have literally never seen a fight.

Not one.


I'm being serious. I don't know why this is the case, but the atmosphere is gay bars at chucking out time, is genial, chatty, friendly etc.

Who knows why? I certainly don't...but in my experience, you are more likely to see dust ups between young straight men than gay men.

You went on to say:

"Why shouldn't there also be straight bars where straight men can go and not be faced with being chatted up by gays?"

I don't know what part of the country you hail from AOG, but where I live gay men don't go around chatting up straight men in pubs and bars because of the aggression thing that I referred to earlier.

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