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Another B+B Tries To Break The Law.

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mikey4444 | 09:08 Thu 20th Mar 2014 | News
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Despite the case in Cornwall going against the Bulls, another couple want to break anti-discrimination laws. Why are people like this so terribly interested in what people do it bed ?


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When you are talking about somebody's home (complete with three kids) doubling up as a B+B, it seems to me that they should be able to accept or refuse anybody they want. for whatever reason they want. This is just another example of the gay lobby trying to force absolutely everybody to see things their way.
14:39 Thu 20th Mar 2014
Are males of any persuasion barred from attending hen parties ? If so why because that would be discriminatory.

/// There are aggressive people in all stratas of life, but to be realistic - based purely on percentages, you are bound to find more aggressive straight men, than gay men, simply because there will be more of them on any given night out. ///

But not in gay bars apparently.

/// Speaking personlly, I would be delighted to be chatted up by a gay man - I will bask in perceived attraction from anyone, anywhere, but as stated, I am firmly in the minority with that viewpoint. ///

Even in the shower room Andy :0)

I don't think it's stereotyping to refer to a small minority of straight men being aggressive in a given situation.

Surely it would be stereotyping to say that all straight men, when in gay bars act aggressively on being chatted up?

And like I say, I'm speaking purely on what I've observed.

/// A welcome steer back on track - and you echo entirely my point in my initial response - of you want to be a discriminatory Christian, don't run a guest house! ///

Now that would be discriminating towards Christians.
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I did indeed andy ! All this talk about gay bars is entirely irrelevant but entertaining in its own way.

I wandered into a Gay Bar in 1989, once by mistake. It was in St Martin's Lane, next to the Coliseum. It was called Brief Encounter if my memory serves me right...perhaps sp1814 has been a patron in the past.
The reason that I visited it was that it was the closest place for a swift half, between Act 1 and Act 2 of the "Marriage of Figaro". It wasn't immediately obvious that it was a Gay Bar, but it soon became clear that I may have made a mistake ! Very expensive beer as well.

/// I don't know what part of the country you hail from AOG, but where I live gay men don't go around chatting up straight men in pubs and bars because of the aggression thing that I referred to earlier. ///

Then tell me how does a gay person recognise if or not another person is gay or straight?
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Bl**dy Hell aog...please let us not go down that path...please ! Life is too short.

As I've said before...I've not seen the level of aggression. Of course there must be fights...but I've not seen them.
Meeting them in a gay bar!!


"Then tell me how does a gay person recognise if or not another person is gay or straight?"

1. By asking.

2. Gaydar (less effective).
/// Surely it would be stereotyping to say that all straight men, when in gay bars act aggressively on being chatted up? ///

Oh you admit then that some straight men do get chatted up in gay bars then?

That was not the impression you gave when you typed this.

/// where I live gay men don't go around chatting up straight men in pubs and bars because of the aggression thing that I referred to earlier. ///
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sp1814...go straight ( ! ) to the naughty step !

You are only encouraging him !

Anyway, I always thought a large collection of Judy Garland records was a bit of a giveaway. And Austrian blinds.
Life now is getting quite complicated & puzzling. I remember a time when two people ( one man & one woman) fell in love & married each other & had babies who grew up & followed their parents example & so it went on. Rarely did people live together who were not married. Homosexuality was known about but not generally talked about & certainly not flaunted as it is now. Life seemed much simpler then, I am glad that I am on the way out God only knows what it will be like in years to come, I know I am regarded as an old fart but I cannot stop equating it with the decline of the Roman Empire.
AOG - you're being silly now. If a straight man goes into a known gay bar then it wouldn't be wrong for a gay man to presume he's gay.

I used to often go to gay bars with my gay cousins and my straight uncle. My uncle often got chatted up. Why would it bother him when he knows he's in a gay bar. Gay men don't get offended if someone tells them they're straight.
sp, it is a bit of a one sided situation really, gays are legally and practically free after many legal and constitutional battles to partake in a society that is 98% straight, and not to be discriminated against. However you happily concede that gays are not even handed in their attitudes to heterosexual people.. Any idea why that is? Are they born that way?

"Oh you admit then that some straight men do get chatted up in gay bars then?"

Yes, in gay bars.
"In order to possess religious beliefs in any way that impacts on your life, you adopt a degree of intolerance, to varying degrees."

Please don't tar us all with the same brush. My religious beliefs impact my life but the only things I am intolerant of are hatred, cruelty, bad manners and the like - the same things i would be intolerant of if I had no religious beliefs; and the same things that my non believing friends are intolerant of!
Ummmm, //Naomi - Why are you saying that straight people can't go anywhere?..... SP was talking about hen parties and the like. //

Because SP said this … //But then there are gay bars which operate policies to restrict the number of straight people allowed in. This might sound incredibly hypocritical - but I support that (dives for cover). //

If he was talking about 'hen parties and the like', he certainly didn't make it clear there and if I've misunderstood it, then Andy-Hughes has misunderstood it too.

Andy-Hughes' response …..//Is your support offered on the basis that straight people have an unlimited choice of venues, but 'gay friendly' bars are more limited, and like to save space for patrons who may feel less welcome elsewhere?

I would entirely support that view.//

The fundamental issue is should one group, ie gay people, be exempt from obeying a law that applies to everyone else?

"However you happily concede that gays are not even handed in their attitudes to heterosexual people."

No...I didn't say that.

I said that there are gay bars who control the number of straight couples allowed in.

I also acknowledge that I'm conflicted on this (rather than 'happy').

It's a bit of a stretch to go from the door policy in some clubs to questioning whether all gay people are born with a specific attitude to straight people.

That's extrapolating beyond the realms of possibility.

Ah...but these bars don't break the law. What they do when they see a large group of women, is that they tell them that they can come in if accompanied by a fella.

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