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Another B+B Tries To Break The Law.

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mikey4444 | 09:08 Thu 20th Mar 2014 | News
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Despite the case in Cornwall going against the Bulls, another couple want to break anti-discrimination laws. Why are people like this so terribly interested in what people do it bed ?


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When you are talking about somebody's home (complete with three kids) doubling up as a B+B, it seems to me that they should be able to accept or refuse anybody they want. for whatever reason they want. This is just another example of the gay lobby trying to force absolutely everybody to see things their way.
14:39 Thu 20th Mar 2014
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Because the 'Religious places/gay marriages' issue was ring-fenced in the new legislation.......and has caused a few grumblings, too.
Jack, I know ... but if examined with a rational eye it should be discernible.
I really, really hope this couple win in the European Court.

A couple of things...firstly I read your 'point taken' post and there's no takesy-backsies.

But seriously - here's the thing...nowhere in the Bible are Christians proscribed from dealing with gay people. There's nothing to say that Christians have to avoid gay people, and furthermore, by renting a bedroom to a gay couple, doesn't mean that they are giving consent/approval to anything.


/// His wife is Catholic and he attends church with her. ///

/// I do quite enjoy the rituals of the Mass, and I like a good sing, and I always enjoy the coffee and buscuits afterwards, but as far as belief in any of the faith aspects - I have none whatsoever. ///

Well what can I say andy, be interesting to know your wife's feelings towards homosexuality, birth control, abortion and all the other matters that the Catholic Church is strictly against, does this cause any riffs in your relationship?

Now don't take me wrong andy I do not wish to delve into your relationship between you and your wife, I was just wondering if she had such a diametrically opposite view to you on these subjects."

Hi AOG - not a problem at all, though your cortesy is as always, appreciated.

My wife is findamentally against homosexuality and abortion - we simply agree to differ on the subjects and respect each other's viewpoints.

Re. birth control, like a large number of modern Catholics, my wife fully accepted the need for birth control during the time that it was relavent - I think a lot of Catholics adopt a pragmatic approach in this area, the church doesn't play the game, so it makes unworkable rules!
I am following this thread with great interest & the thing that springs out to me is it appears to be Christians v Homosexuals, which prompts me to ask the question '' Can one be gay & also a Christian?''
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I read reports like this and wonder where and when I fell by the wayside (if indeed I did), brought up in a relatively strict but not a punishing one, RC Family, educated Rc.too.

Yet somehow I have grown up tolerant, caring and understanding to all I meet, whilst not always understanding the ways things work I appreciate we are all different.

I see this couple are in fact trying to get Christian values to have the same recognition as Human rights in the courts, their choice I guess, and agree with others maybe a different business would have suited them and their children - we could never afford to turn customers away from our businesses.

One little point of humour in the report -they have now changed all the beds to that a magic solution?
WR - I believe you can be both yes.

I thought their stance was largely anti non marrieds? Or did I read it wrong?
SP, //nowhere in the Bible are Christians proscribed from dealing with gay people. There's nothing to say that Christians have to avoid gay people,//

That's true …. they are simply told to kill them. :o(

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Leviticus 20:13
Perhaps that's the answer then. Give them a room for the night and stone them to death after they've eaten a hearty full English !! :-)
If you open up your house to the public as a business, then you have to follow the law which does not allow you to discriminate on the grounds of gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation. It is that simple.

As to the rest of it - If AoG wants advice on how to handle all the unwanted advances from gay males, he should talk to the thousands/millions of women over the years who have had to put up with unwanted advances from males.

If any gay bar had an official door policy of trying to determine and then turn away heterosexuals, they should be also be censured/penalised, because that is the way the law works.
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Sorry to disagree with you divebuddy, but it is against the law to discriminate against people because of their sexuality. We have discussed this many times here on AB and the answer is always the same. Discrimination is just not allowed. If we allowed an exception in this case, we would soon be back to signs in the windows of boarding houses that said "No Blacks, no dogs and no Irish" It would be a bigots charter. Lets go forwards, not backwards.

/// by renting a bedroom to a gay couple, doesn't mean that they are giving consent/approval to anything. ///

Of course they are giving their approval to certain matters, just as they would be giving their approval to sex before marriage if they let their rooms to non married couples, right or wrong that is just as it is.

No one would condemn a man and his wife if they refused to let their older children sleep in the same bed as their friends, be them male or female.
divebuddy - "When you are talking about somebody's home (complete with three kids) doubling up as a B+B, it seems to me that they should be able to accept or refuse anybody they want. for whatever reason they want.
This is just another example of the gay lobby trying to force absolutely everybody to see things their way."

First of all, there is no 'doubling up' (oo-er!) involved - you either run an accomodation establishment for profit, or you don't. If you wish to invite guests to stay, you have full control over the do's and don'ts. If you establish a residence for payment, then the little matter of the law of the land swings into action.

This is not a matter of the gay lobby trying to force anyone anywhere, it is a matter of the law - and obedience of it - nothing more or less.

Discrimination is an odious practice and should be stamped on wherever and whenever it occurs - and that law enforces that position.
Mikey, //it is against the law to discriminate against people because of their sexuality. //

Back-tracking a bit to earlier in the thread, can you explain why the owners of gay bars aren't prosecuted for refusing admittance to straight people?

/// I am following this thread with great interest & the thing that springs out to me is it appears to be Christians v Homosexuals, which prompts me to ask the question '' Can one be gay & also a Christian?'' ///

I would think so just as there are Muslim gays, but I would have thought though in these cases the person would be more closeted.
AOG - "sp1814

/// by renting a bedroom to a gay couple, doesn't mean that they are giving consent/approval to anything. ///

Of course they are giving their approval to certain matters, just as they would be giving their approval to sex before marriage if they let their rooms to non married couples, right or wrong that is just as it is.

No one would condemn a man and his wife if they refused to let their older children sleep in the same bed as their friends, be them male or female."

No they would not, because everyone has the right to enforce their own rules in their own home.

But when your home becomes a business, you undetake to obey the appropriate laws - and that is where your free choice is removed - a status you undertake in the same way you undetake to have proper fire exits, smoke alarms, health inspections and so on.

Running a business does not equiate with a domestic sleeping arrangement, and I believe you know that - I do honestly think you have a little of the devil ('s advocate) in you today!
It is fine to hold an opinion on my previous question ( can one be be Gay & also a Christian) but it would be nice for a gay person to answer this for me.

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