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Another B+B Tries To Break The Law.

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mikey4444 | 09:08 Thu 20th Mar 2014 | News
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Despite the case in Cornwall going against the Bulls, another couple want to break anti-discrimination laws. Why are people like this so terribly interested in what people do it bed ?


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When you are talking about somebody's home (complete with three kids) doubling up as a B+B, it seems to me that they should be able to accept or refuse anybody they want. for whatever reason they want. This is just another example of the gay lobby trying to force absolutely everybody to see things their way.
14:39 Thu 20th Mar 2014
It would Ron, yes.

Well having given my common sensical tuppenceworth, I shall just watch now.
I'm not gay, Ron, but I do have gay cousins and friends and the answer is yes.
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Why are bigots like this so interested in what people get up to in bed ? I think it says more about the B+B owners, than it does the odd gay guest that might turn up.

It reminds me of the old Welsh Preacher that is giving a particularly fire-breathing sermon.

" Who amongst you have seen a ghost ?" he thunders. Nobody stirs in the congregation.

"Who amongst you have spoken to a ghost ?" he goes on. Again, nobody stirs.

"Who amongst you have had sex with a ghost ?"

At this point, old Dai at the back of the church raises his hand. " You Dai, have had sex with a ghost ?...shame on you ! " thunders the Preacher.

"Oh sorry", Dai says, "I thought you said goats ! "

Sorry...just trying to lighten things up a bit !
"Because the 'Religious places/gay marriages' issue was ring-fenced in the new legislation"

As I have suggested in previous questions on this issue, it is until the restriction is challenged in the European Court of Human Rights. If (or rather when, because I understand some gay groups are already preparing a challenge) it is the challenge will almost certainly succeed (at least as far as CofE churches go).

Quite right too. If B&B owners cannot object to accommodating gay couples because of their religious beliefs I don't see why the CofE should be exempt on the same grounds. Of course if mosques or synagogues are challenged on the same grounds such a challenge may well fail because I believe those establishments cannot be considered agencies of the State.
There's nowt so queer as folk.
Mikey, //Why are bigots like this so interested in what people get up to in bed ?//

As has been explained they are not bigots - they are religious - and religion is obsessed with sex.

/// As to the rest of it - If AoG wants advice on how to handle all the unwanted advances from gay males, he should talk to the thousands/millions of women over the years who have had to put up with unwanted advances from males. ///

If that was the case the human race would come to an end, haven't most heterosexual men partaken in advances towards the opposite sex, and don't some females like to play hard to get, but just as advances against straight men by gays, or straight men against women, advances of any kind must stop short of the borderline between legal advances and illegal.
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True indeed Sir.prize !
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Thank god ( ! ) then that I am atheist naomi !
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"Back-tracking a bit to earlier in the thread, can you explain why the owners of gay bars aren't prosecuted for refusing admittance to straight people?"

The complainants would have to prove that the bar had refused them entry based on their sexuality or their sex.
@ AoG "If that was the case the human race would come to an end"

Why? I said unwanted advances. How does that equate to the human race ending sometime soon? Frankly a bizarre statement.

"and don't some females like to play hard to get,"
Maybe,maybe not. The fact that some might be classified that way does not justify persistent advances in the face of rebuffs,especially if they make it clear the advances are unwanted.

The fact remains that over the history of mankind, women ( and I am sure many men) will have been subject to unwanted advances. It is a fact of human life, one that is dealt with using humour or politeness preferably.

Why should you be so discomfited at the notion that gay men and women might want to make advances to each other, too? Why should you feel offended or threatened if some bloke propositions you? How is that any different from a straight man propositioning a female, or a straight female propositioning a man?
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divebuddy...get back on that naughty step and don't move until I tell you to.

Anyway, it isn't lesbians...its Women in Sensible many times do I have to tell you !
I think it's difficult to conclude that owners of establishments that wish to exclude gay people from their premises aren't bigots, because they're picking and choosing the bits of religious ideology that suits their lifestyle and prejudices.

How many Christian B&B owners ban menstruating women?

Leviticus is quite explicit on the subject.

Good manners prevents me from reprinting the chapter here...but safe to say, it's not exactly 'women friendly'.
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Arithmetic, divebuddy, arithmetic !!!

Yes it will stir the pot and the anomaly will arise because (at the moment anyway) the ECHR only troubles itself with matters relating to State organisations. The CofE almost certainly falls into that category (with Bishops and Archbishops in the House of Lords) but I’m not sure how other religious organisations would fare.

Of course the ECHR may well decide that the discrimination is brought about by the government by framing its legislation the way it has. Then everybody would have to provide facilities for gay marriage. Then it really will get interesting when mosques have to make such provisions.
It is interesting reading this thread how some adamantly defend the law, when they personal agree with that particular law yet on the other hand criticise other laws that they are personally against.

Not so long ago it was a criminal offence to be gay or even to attempt to commit suicide, all these laws have now been reversed, how far do we go in this quest to change laws, shall we make it illegal to discriminant against fat people, ginger headed people, should we make it legal to take drugs while at the same time make it illegal to smoke tobacco?

Yes it is all dependant on which hymn sheet one is singing from (pardon the pun), that sets out what laws one agrees with and which are the ones that one disagrees with.

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You are forgiven divebuddy...just remember next time...they are not Lesbians. Which reminds me of another old joke that was doing the rounds when I was a schoolboy ( 45 years ago )

Two lads are talking in the Pub one day and a couple of smashing looking girls come in. One of the lads sees his opportunity and says to the other that he fancies his chances and he intends to go and chat them up.

" I wouldn't do that if I were you" his mate warns.

"Why not ? " he replied.

"Well, they are Lesbians"

"It won't bother me" the first lad says and off he goes.

He comes back a couple of minutes later holding his eye, where one of the girls had hit him with her handbag.

"What happened there then" his mate asked.

"Search me" he said, "all I bl**dy asked them was what part of Lesbia they were from "

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