/// Wow, AoG. You seem impervious to the failure of your logic on this
issue. ///
That is only because I dare to have an opposite opinion to some others, and along with abusive personal insults etc, all go with those who wish to dictate to others.
/// It is not atheists, militant or otherwise, who are trying to tell others what to believe ,or to impose anything on others - rather, it is those, like, apparently,Mr.Pickles, who wish to impose Christianity on everyone else. ///
And neither is Mr Pickles, if you disagree please copy and post where he has said this.
/// No one here has called for a ban on praying. Councillors who wish to pray in advance of a meeting are perfectly welcome to do so, so long as they do so in private, rather than inflict those prayers, that ritual upon everyone else attending, riding roughshod over their beliefs or non belief. ///
Once again they (and I presume they are in the majority or no prayers would take place, seeing that they are not compulsory) are not inflicting their ritual as you put it on others, the minority have every right to delay their entrance into the council chamber until prayers are over.
When I was in the Armed Forces and the Padre was issuing prayers at the beginning of a parade, those who were of other faiths were allowed to step out, just the same as at School assembly, no one was forced to attend, and the majority did not have to step out of the proceedings as you suggest those do at council meetings.