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anotheoldgit | 15:07 Sat 12th Apr 2014 | News
101 Answers;ir=UK

One may not agree with Nigel Farage's politics but he did not deserve to be put up as the sacrificial lamb and verbally insulted on a light treated satirical show such as 'Have I Got News For You'.

The whole show was presented as an attack on Nigel Farage, how he managed to laugh things off I do not know, I wouldn't have blamed him if he got up and walked away in disgust.

But it didn't stop there even at the end the show's host actor and ??comedian?? Stephen Mangan had to have a dig at the Tories and the Lib Dems, but strangely nothing malicious aimed at Labour, but then we have come to expect this from our left leaning BBC.


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Well for once I agree with you, AOG, and nothing to do with party politics. It was quite pathetic of this show to single out one person and, frankly, they verged on being on dangerous legal grounds as to libel/slander. The woman, whoever she was, the one partnering Ian H, got no ribbing at all. He handled it okay though.....
21:19 Sat 12th Apr 2014
When you are leader of a loony-tune party like UKIP, what have you got to lose by appearing on HIGNFY ? All publicity is good publicity !
He first appeared on HIGNFY 15 years ago, it has certainly pushed him in to the public awareness. it Farage that you are talking about ?
sorry to break into this gloat fest but I thought he kicked ass, never showed anything other than good humour and hit couple out of the park. Obviously still scaring the sh!t out of mikey I see.
mikey, no, I was referring to BJ (Boris Johnson)
I agree, Tora. Farage can handle the show and work it to his advantage.
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/// I thought there were strict rules about not promoting any party during election time. ///

Hardly promoting it, more like crying it down.

/// Not one of your best questions AOG. ///

From your point of view, that is not surprising Gromit.
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/// Should Mr Farage be treated with kid gloves then? ///

No one, least of all me is suggesting that Mr Farage should be treated with kid gloves.

The show is a political satirical show with the sole intention of making humorous comments against matters in the news.

Although an occasional quip against any member of the panels is quite acceptable, and happens all the time.

What it is not acceptable, and that is the whole of the show focusing solely on ridiculing and personally insulting one particular panel member.

This would not be allowed against a gay panellist, a female panellist, a black or Asian panellist etc, regardless of their politics.

/// Would that be the 'level playing field' that you keep mentioning? ///

Sarcasm does not suit you sp.

If you have read the replies, the consensus seems to be that Farage did well out of the encounter and that it will help UKIPs cause.

And that every other politician regardless of party is routinely ridiculed on the programme.

So singling out this episode and claiming it shows BBC bias is incorrect and the whole premise of your question is false.
Gay, black, disabled, gay doesn't come in to it at all, AOG.

If a black, disabled, gay politician was on the panel he would be subjected to the same ribbing about his politics and any scandals that has arisen in his work, such as fiddling expenses or any crass comments he made.
as I said on page 1, I don't think I've ever seen a whole show dedicated to attacking one guest but it's all grist to Nigel's mill.
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Still taking part in "not one of my best questions" I see Gromit? you do surprise me.
people aren't stupid. they can see the agenda of the 'establishment' and their lackeys. every attack on ukip will strengthen their position.
UKIP are polling their best ever, at the expense of the Tories and LibDems...

// Support for Ukip has reached a record high in the wake of the Maria Miller scandal which rocked the Conservative party this week.
A poll shows Nigel Farage's anti-Europe party up four points on 20 per cent, as the Tories slumped three points to 29 per cent.
Levels of support for Ukip are now at a record high as they were the only party to gain popularity in a week of sleaze in Westminster, including allegations of sexual assault against young parliamentary aides.
In a Comres poll for the Sunday Mirror and Independent on Sunday, Labour remained steady on 35 per cent, opening up a six point lead over the Tories, while the Lib Dems reached an all-time low of just 7 per cent.
The survey comes at the end of a bad week for David Cameron, as 62 per cent thought he showed a lack of leadership over his handling of the Maria Miller expenses claims. //

Read more:
I think Cameron should go. He seems so out of touch with his own supporters. He's more like noo labour.
Cameron will not be removed by his own party this near to a General Election. He will be removed by the electorate as Prime Minister and Boris will become Conservative leader.

You wrote:

"What it is not acceptable, and that is the whole of the show focusing solely on ridiculing and personally insulting one particular panel member."

That may be your opinion, but it is not a fact.

Firstly, the whole show did not focus solely on Mr Farage. You've made that up.

Secondly, even if that were true, there's a precedent for it.

If you'd watched the show as long as I have, you would know this.

You also went on to say:

"This would not be allowed against a gay panellist, a female panellist, a black or Asian panellist etc, regardless of their politics."


If it isn't nonsense, please prove it.
hc4361've hit the nail on the head.

I hear the sound of the victim card being played once again.

Farage did well on the show.

Certain persons simply want UKIP to get an easy ride.

Farage is a big boy and can handle himself. This is why he chose to appear on HIGNFY.

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