ChatterBank2 mins ago
William Hague on the news today, saying Cameron and the Cons ,are the only Party to lead the Country , and Promise a referendum,Is he trying to save a sinking Ship? Floundering in Blue Water?.
Referendum yesterday, referendum tomorrow, but never referendum today.
15:34 Sun 27th Apr 2014
I was talking to farier viv, not you, you waded in and that's me being personal is it? Right oh!
register here for an avatar, use the same email address as you do for AB: https:/ /en.gra vatar.c om/site /login? wpcc, then load up a picture.
doing a link is described above by 2 diferent posters.
register here for an avatar, use the same email address as you do for AB: https:/
doing a link is described above by 2 diferent posters.
Brenden ( and perhaps others ) I'm not sure why you can't do links ?
Its very simple. Just highlight the web address of anything you like, for instance ::
http:// pedia.o rg/wiki /P._G._ Wodehou se
and then paste it into your AB post !
Farriercm....not sure why people are rude to you on here, but it is customary to be more precise when you post a topic, then we can all respond properly.
If you have seen Hague being interviewed in TV, say so ! If its a news iem that you have seen on the web, then post the link.
Most of us here on AB are only willing to help, so please ask for advice if you need to !
Its very simple. Just highlight the web address of anything you like, for instance ::
and then paste it into your AB post !
Farriercm....not sure why people are rude to you on here, but it is customary to be more precise when you post a topic, then we can all respond properly.
If you have seen Hague being interviewed in TV, say so ! If its a news iem that you have seen on the web, then post the link.
Most of us here on AB are only willing to help, so please ask for advice if you need to !
-- answer removed --
TTT...I am not unaccustomed to using a vigorous and robust style of debating myself, here on AB, as regulars will be aware of but don't you think you have gone just a teeny, little bit too far today ?
Can I remind you of the wording at the top of the screen ::
"We understand that debates get heated, but personal attacks and abusive language will not be tolerated "
Can I remind you of the wording at the top of the screen ::
"We understand that debates get heated, but personal attacks and abusive language will not be tolerated "
Perhaps, Mikey, but look at the history of this poster and tell me I don't have a point. However I will accept your criticism, as although we often disagree you are generally constructive. I would have more respect for the OP if he occasionally engaged in a debate rather than using the grenade approach all the time.
Now that is much better TTT ! Perhaps Farriercm will eventually learn how to do links...they are not really difficult at all. Avatars are much more difficult though, and I am not sure I could explain, in words, how to change one, or create one in the first place. By the the way, where has your "Mrs Voldemort" gone to ?
I am sitting in my caravan, here in Cornwall, in some brilliant sunshine, looking at the birds, hopping around on the grass. Its my last day here, and its been a wonderful 10 day holiday. If only I could get down here more often.
Interesting discussion going on in Chatterbank, on old shops that are not around any more, if you or anyone else is interested !
On another topic, where has Sqad disappeared off to ? He hasn't been very active for ages.
I am sitting in my caravan, here in Cornwall, in some brilliant sunshine, looking at the birds, hopping around on the grass. Its my last day here, and its been a wonderful 10 day holiday. If only I could get down here more often.
Interesting discussion going on in Chatterbank, on old shops that are not around any more, if you or anyone else is interested !
On another topic, where has Sqad disappeared off to ? He hasn't been very active for ages.