'Factor' I live in an area in Southampton that is swamped with Polish people, every other shop in our high street is Polish, and 99% of them are decent hard working and friendly people, a lot of them have lived and worked here for well over 5 years, i have no argument with them. Its pure maths, you cannpt take out of the pot if you haven't put into it, simple!! Do you really think that there would be 'starving Polish children', there is just not enough room on this little island for all of us, the health service, schools, benefits system are at breaking point, why do you think that Eastern Europeans cross 4, 5 or more boarders to get to us, why are they queueing and camping in Calais to cross the channel, its not rocket science, its simple - We are a soft touch, its time to say enough is enough! This is why UKIP had outstanding results recently, Cameron, Clegg, Milliband and their cronies are just not listening to the people!!