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Why Hasn't The Bbc Apologised Over Harris?

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inksplotter | 09:17 Thu 03rd Jul 2014 | News
67 Answers
Apparently he is worth £11m. Most of that came from the BBC. But they have been silent on the issue. Yet with Savile they couldn't apologise fast enough. Do they still see him as an asset or something?


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Avatar Image I can't see the point in apologising, but I think the BBC should conduct an inquiry. There is also the matter of the missing painting of the Queen, what has happened to that? It is...
12:19 Thu 03rd Jul 2014
hardly. But are they at fault in some way? I'm not sure Harris molested someone on the premises or in the course of working there, as Savile did.
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What have they got to apologise about?
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Scrivens...*sigh* it cancels it all out. I thought everyone knew that...x
Hasn't Harris been working for Channel 5 in recent years? Even in the 1960s he was doing a lot of work for ITV.
The Beeb has nothing to apologise for.

Apologise for what?
Surely they can find someone to say

"Lessons Will be Learned"

It works as a 'get out of jail free card' for just about every situation it seems.
Do all employers apologise when one of their employees commits a crime?
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They employed him before he had a criminal record. The complaints were made to police under Operation Yew Tree in 2012 and he has since been investigated and convivted.

Not sure what the BBC ate expected to apologise for? Do you think the employer of everyone convicted of a sex crime should apologise for their employee?
I can't see that the BBC has anything to apologise for - and if they did would it make any difference?
With Savile part of the problem for the BBC was the ITV documentary, which wrongfooted them a bit after they'd suppressed a similar programme. And brought a torrent of hand-wringing from them, a lot of it probably unnecessary

I'm surprised to hear most of Rolf Harris's wealth comes from the BBC. He surely must have earned a lot from his paintings.
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You are talking about the same BBC which has a heart attack every time Jeremy Clarkson opens his mouth. Look at Sachsgate.

For many years Rolf Harris was almost the face of the BBC. What a short memory Answerbankers have...
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I'm no art critic, ichkera, but I believe his work was sold on his BBC name, though he shows some skill.
Sorry inksplotter you are not making sense.. We are talking about someone who's just been convicted by the courts of serious sexual offences. What's that got to do with Clarkson and Brand? There is no comparison.
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Rolf did Rolf's Cartoon Club and Your Cartoon Time, he also worked with dancers on his show. We're not talking about a minor crime here, you know!
What they should apologise for is being complicit , in inflicting those terrible songs of his , on the general public .

Do you think people will now start offloading their wobble boards on ebay ?
Rolf's Cartoon Club was on ITV.

Do you think ITV ought to apologise, or is yore ire reserved just for the Beeb?
I don't understand what you want them to do. These crimes were committed years ago. Harris isn't the only one. Where do the BBC and ITV start and stop with apologising for things in the past - when it was a completely different management structure in those days gone by.

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