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Another Casualty For Our "recreational" Drug User Community

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mikey4444 | 15:01 Wed 23rd Jul 2014 | News
108 Answers
We had a long heated debate on here about drug addicts recently and I was wold, quite tartly, that there was a difference between drugs addicts and recreational drug addicts. Well, here is another "recreational" drug user that won't be wasting any more of her money ::::

14 years on from her mothers similar self-imposed death, Peaches follows suit. I hope somebody will be watching her little child very closely for the rest of its life.


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apparently she was on methadone, isn't that what they give you when you are trying to kick the habit Doesn't sound too "recreational" to me. In reality though these are highly addictive drugs and I'm not convinced they can be recreational.
15:51 Wed 23rd Jul 2014're very clueless on this subject.

Andy - smoking is an addiction too, and harder to give up than some drugs, I'm reliably informed! a smoker I think it's so hard to kick the habit because it's so available.

If I wanted to buy some crack it'd be an effort whereas buying Cigs takes me two minutes.
Ummm - dont worry,plenty of craic available on here ;-)
That's a different type of craic :-)
Morning ummmmmmmmmmmm !

Have you tried giving up?

Mrs V tried the nicotine patches, and discovered that if she brushed a patch against a radiator, she got a massive nicotine shot, and started buying them for places where she couldn't smoke.

She's set the bed on fire once, and all our sheets and pillowcases have interesting little holes.

If I vanish from Answerbank, you'll know what happened...
Just checking you are still there venator! Words of advice ' Dont take it lying down' lol
I did give up once. I will try again. I know I can do it. I've been on 13 hour flights without a bother. I'd happily sit in pubs/restaurants and not care about smoking. My problem is boredom....and I know there's nothing interesting about a cigarette :-)
People smoke, drink, and take drugs, because they like smoking, drinking, and taking drugs. Some people are overly fond of food which, although not a drug, taken in excess can prove fatal – but no one intends to become addicted to anything – everyone thinks they are in control – until they acknowledge that they aren’t. Addiction – and at worst – death due to addiction – is something that only ever happens to other people. Very sad indeed. Poor girl.
Absolutely naomi.

Happily, the grip of addicition is something not experienced by the majority of people, which can lead to the fortunate majority making sweeping assumptions about addicition being a chosen path of activity, which it is clearly not, for anyone.

A little empathy from some on here would go a long way.
That's why I mentioned food, Andy. It's very easy to criticise smokers and drinkers and drug addicts, but how many overweight people fail to realise that they're addicted to food - a habit that is very difficult to break, and just fatal as the rest?
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Ummmmm...why am I clueless ?

I think we all agree now that Peaches died because she was an addict. Heroin isn't like a glass of sweet sherry. She might have smoked pot...she probably did but she died because she was a hapless heroin addict. She might have started off as a "recreational drug user" that wonderful phrase, full of weasel words, that lets so many people off the hook but its impossible to be a recreational user of heroin. Heroin is highly addictive and she would have been fully aware of that. She can't possibly have not known that. She had a choice whether she took heroin for the first time but all freedom of choice was taken away from shortly after. So she became a drug addict primarily because she made the wrong choice in the beginning.

Of course I am sorry that she died, but I am even more sorry for her family, especially her two young kids, and I repeat.....I hope that those kids are no longer around the kind of people that think that "recreational" drug is hip and lovely, otherwise we could be having a similar debate about her dead children in a few years time. Heroin isn't hip, fashionable or kills.
Mikey, //Heroin is highly addictive and she would have been fully aware of that. She can't possibly have not known that.//

People who take up cigarettes know that cigarettes are addictive, but they still do it because they think they can control it. Even though the spirit is usually willing, the flesh is often weak. Unfortunately we’re not all perfect.
careful mikey you are touching on a verboten area. Fans of the hippy wonder drug don't like you to point out that it is the gateway to hards stuff. Dope takers don't always end up on the hard stuff but you can guarentee that everyone on the hard stuff started on the the HWD.
When Bob Geldof was interviewed a couple of weeks ago, he said that the boys were going to be raised by their father's family away from the furor that surrounds the Geldofs.
Keith Richards had been clear of drugs and alcohol since was 36 according to his autobiography. He still smokes though. The reason the other Stones think he has survived is because the heroine he smokes was pure, and not mixed with other chemicals.
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Never said we were naomi, but there is a chasm of difference between a packet of Players and Heroin, and that is my point.

We all had a lively debate about "recreational drug use" on here a few weeks, over the death of a drug user at Glasto. As I remember, he died from taking a very serious drug, usually employed to anaesthetize horses. It wasn't the overdose of this noxious substance that was wrong...he shouldn't have been taking it in the first place. From that debate there seemed to be a consensus that "recreational drug use" was OK. I am merely pointing out that in this case, this poor woman died because she was mixed up with the kind of people that think drug use is OK. Any comparisons between alcohol, over-eating or any other kind of behavior simply doesn't hold water. Heroin is about as serious a drug as it is possible to get.

There is a report in the news today that yet another convicts death penalty has been cocked up in America...perhaps they should just have injected a huge quantity of heroin in his arm, as it would have killed him with far less fuss and bother.
Hmmm we are on smoking tab as an addiciton of the same kind that killed Peaches - debatable I suppose one might say
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TTT...thanks for your support here ! I was beginning to feel like a lone voice in the wilderness. Knowing your abhorrence for smoking in general, I feel sure that you will be even more disgusted with the fact that these hard and killer drugs are sometimes smoked, as well as injected.

carolegif (09:04)...if what you say is true, then this is good news, although how far away you can get from all the publicity, when your famous mother died from a drug overdose I am not sure....fingers crossed on that one !

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