Shooting Of A Black Teenager In Missouri Sparks Riots in The AnswerBank: News
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Shooting Of A Black Teenager In Missouri Sparks Riots

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anotheoldgit | 09:02 Sun 17th Aug 2014 | News
99 Answers

Disregarding why this teenager was shot, the police say one thing and a rapper says another.

What I wish to discuss here is the fact that whether in America or the UK it would seem that if a black person is deemed to be mistreated by the police, a wholesale riot takes place, along with more violence looting and damaging of property.

This never happens if a white person is killed by the police (or at least I can never remember such a thing) why?
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/// Blair Peach was white and murdered by the Police...///

He was not 'MURDERED' by the police, as you so dramatically stated, he was knocked unconscious in a violent demonstration.

*** An inquest jury returned a verdict of death by misadventure ***

*** The demonstration saw the presence of over 2,500 police, and became violent; more than 40 people, including 21 police, were injured and 300 were arrested. Peach was knocked unconscious in a side street, at the junction of Beachcroft Avenue and Orchard Avenue and died the next day in Ealing Hospital. Another demonstrator, Clarence Baker, a singer of the reggae band Misty in Roots, remained in a coma for five months. ***
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/// At the same time there is clearly a serious issue with the way police respond to cases like this, and there are signs that black teenagers are treated differently from white teenagers. ///

I know some will not like me saying this, but could the reason be that black teenagers are more likely to respond more violently than white teenagers?
// skin colour says exactly nothing about who you are//
you reckon, jim?
Yes I do reckon, svejk.

AOG: in my experience white and black teenagers can be equally violent, so I doubt there is any general trend one way or another. But the point is that one way or another there is some attitude that this might be so, and it's leading to deaths and friction and social unrest and violence and looting. And this is unacceptable. If indeed black teenagers were general more violent, then that isn't going to be addressed by just shooting some of them. As we've seen, that has the effect of provoking yet more unrest which is surely precisely the opposite of the job of the police. And if it is racial profiling that's totally unjustified then there is the other worry that we can't trust our police to do their jobs properly. Neither is particularly palatable.

Blair Peach
// The reports into the death of Blair Peach were published on the Metropolitan Police website on 27 April 2010. The conclusion was that Blair Peach was killed by a police officer, but that the other police officers in the same unit had refused to cooperate with the inquiry by lying to investigators, making it impossible to identify the actual killer.

The Metropolitan Police report stated that an SPG policeman, identified as Officer E, was “almost certainly” the one whose assault killed Peach. //
// could the reason be that black teenagers are more likely to respond more violently than white teenagers? //


The recent Manchester riot was 68% white people. Black people accounted for 1.7% of those arrested.
In the end Moat shot himself first, but if he had indeed been shot by the police it's possible that people could have used his death as a rallying cry for protests. Or, more likely, just an excuse to go and do some looting. pillaging etc.
Not sure I agree with that assessment jim, given that Moat had shot 3 people in 2 days, one being his ex girlfriend.
You are bading your whole hypothesis on one killing and riot in America. There are 96 killings by white police officers in the US every year. There are not 96 ensuing riots every year.

// Nearly two times a week in the United States, a white police officer killed a black person during a seven-year period ending in 2012, according to the most recent accounts of justifiable homicide reported to the FBI.

On average, there were 96 such incidents among at least 400 police killings each year that were reported to the FBI by local police. The numbers appear to show that the shooting of a black teenager in Ferguson, Mo., last Saturday was not an isolated event in American policing. //

Well it's obviously little more than an opinion but at the time I seem to remember that for a while at least the public mood seemed to be in large part on Moat's side. What would have followed his death at the hands of the police is, granted, little more than speculation.
you're coming out with some gems today, jim. In what world were people, for the most part, on Moat's side.
There was at least some support, wasn't there? I may have overstated it but there was some sympathy for him among some communities.

A facebook page "R.I.P Raoul Moat!
Well it's obviously little more than an opinion but at the time I seem to remember that for a while at least the public mood seemed to be in large part on Moat's side.
Are you serious? He was deemed a madman with a gun for shooting his ex girlfriend and her partner, BEFORE he shot and blinded the Police Officer.
He was hardly a cause célèbre. The mood I got was that the general public wanted a very dangerous individual arrested ASAP!
amongst a few drunken vermin, jim, not most people.
Bar the odd idiot and an inebriated Gaza, the public were fearful if I remember correctly and with no little justification.
Well then I've perhaps exaggerated the situation and for that I'm sorry but I did remember it that way. Perhaps it was because I was expecting no sympathy at all and therefore was amazed that he got some, and then inflated it.

Still the rest of the points remain as reasonable.
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/// The recent Manchester riot was 68% white people. Black people accounted for 1.7% of those arrested. ///

Here are the correct figures, plus the fact that Manchester along with the rest of the country is predominately white.



//This never happens if a white person is killed by the police (or at least I can never remember such a thing) why?//

Because, on the whole, we rejoice when a criminal from among our number gets apprehended. Killing is not celebrated, due to it being politically embarassing but it's rarely a trigger for looting, as most of us stand to lose everything we have ("lifestyle", family, possessions, job etc) by suddenly turning to criminalty.

We also lack that sense of being a minority, surrounded by and looked down upon by those trying to keep us 'in our place'. We have no-one to backlash against.

Thanks for those stats AOG, but they seem to undermine your case.

Of the 6 areas of rioting in 2011, 5 had mostly white people rioting.

(incidently, the difference between my 68% for Manchester, and your 76% for Greater Manchester, was that my figure did not include Salford.)
What stats, Gromit? The BBC page AOG linked to is just a short paragraph and some 'share' buttons. It mentions a total of 3,051 but no detailed breakdown.

I tried reloading the page three or four times, with no improvement. What are you seeing?
There are a lot of images containing stats on that link, hypo -- not sure why they aren't displaying.

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