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Alex Salmond To Quit...

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Jomlett | 16:21 Fri 19th Sep 2014 | News
63 Answers
BBC News - Alex Salmond to quit as Scottish First Minister


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I think it's a bit unfair that some of the media are saying he has 'paid the price' for the referendum result. Far from it IMHO, nobody called for his resignation and even those who secretly might have suspected he would go, none would have forecast that he would do it within 12 hours. Regardless of what people's views are on him he is First Minister of Scotland and...
17:19 Fri 19th Sep 2014
Wish Cameron would do the same.
I think it's a bit unfair that some of the media are saying he has 'paid the price' for the referendum result.
Far from it IMHO, nobody called for his resignation and even those who secretly might have suspected he would go, none would have forecast that he would do it within 12 hours.
Regardless of what people's views are on him he is First Minister of Scotland and has resigned without the usual furore that one sees in these instances.
Give the man some grace at a time when the last few weeks have taken a toll on him.
Very well said, ChillDoubt.

. 'Respect'
Well, feeling the need to go is 'paying the price' really, as he isn't likely to have gone had the vote been different. That said I think he achieved all he reasonably could have expected. Had he achieved more that would have been extra jam on it for him.
Is this what's known as a "flounce"?
Salmond canned.....
Maybe Alex just didn't fancy all the work that will be involved in sorting out the future alternative systems??? Someone else will now have to struggle with that job!
I suspect his colleagues had plan b in place behid his back...if we don`t get yes..he goes ....only this morning he was insisting he was still First Minister and Party leader and would continue in those roles....Nicola and her cronies have had a word in his shell like...jump or we push..he was patently shellshocked when delivering his wee announcement from Bute House... and what I was expecting..
Give PP best answer, he understands democracy.
Exactly Minty - Salmond canned.......
wonder if he is up for a pint if I knock on his door to see if he`s coming oot tae play ?
You seem to have a serious stutter shoota!
Salmon takes a powder.What is his legacy to the good people of Scotland.
Police lines drawn between snarling yes and no voters in George Sq . Glasgow.
Why don't the No voters just go home and celebrate magnaminously?
Seems like SNP lost out on Independence but they have sowed the seeds of dissent and God Forbid division or civil war.I always believed that more intelligence was always available from the Scots in past history. England could always rely on the Scots to give a good account of themselves when a good scrap was needed to be won for the good of the Union in the past. Don't fight among your selves now please.
So Salmond has fallen on his sword ? I thought his resignation speech was magnanimous, and for that I give him credit.
I don't think that he really had any choice. Much better that he accepts this and resigns with dignity intact than he is forced out with taunts about only 38% of Scots voting for him.. Glad he had the grace to do this - he is another who stuck to his guns (wrongly IMOH) but he can now be admired for his honesty.
What a shame. I am sure he is good for Scotland even though he lost this, for him, vital vote. I have never understand this compulsion to resign over a lost cause. Why not scrub round it and try again, another way? There is usually a back door waiting for them. Isn't that how many laws are passed without us noticing them? I remember when the Tories lost the election and threw out their very capable leader (forgotten his name, but he's got a lovely voice). So sad (and stupid). How can they possibly tell how the fickle electorate is going to vote.
But do we all know what this means ?

Nicola Sturgeon will take over ...aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh !
As his Wife is somewhat older than him perhaps he has decided to quit so he can spend some time with her.
// Whilst never my favourite politician by any stretch one had to admire the passion he had for his country // O god Chilldo

can you think of any chancellor of Germany who was er passionate about Germany and so set about making it almost as large as West Europe and a lot of Russia ?

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