ludwig - "You've got quite sophisticated pranksters at your place andy. If I'd left my screen open someone would have just written 'I'm a complete n0bhead - signed ludwig', rather than seamlessly joining in the debate."
We have - and the coleague in question shares a similar use and rejoicing in verbal expression as do I.
If you are hintging that I wrote the last few rude posts myself, and am now trying to wriggle out of being offensive, then you don't know me very well.
I have never backed down in any debate, I will fight my corner vigourously, but being deliberately offensive is not the way I am, and lying to cover up another's transgressions is certainly not the way I am.
I have apologised for any offence which was caused - and I hope naomi will accept my apology, and we can move on, without getting sidetracked into an argument about my integrity.