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I don't see why section 28 made any difference, all it did was prevent gay propaganda. Not sure why it was an obstacle, unless of course the promotion of a certain lifestyle was going on in schools, always been a mystery to me that one.
No, you wouldn't, TGT.
But that's because you don't understand exactly what Section 28 encompassed.
Question Author
it prevented the promotion of homosexualty in schools. Simple, it was presumably thought necessary because said promotion was happenning. I know a load of right on lefty teachers mis used it to embarrass the government but that doesn't change it's original intentions.
Absolute rubbish.
Question Author
care to enlighten?

from Wikipedia:
//Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988 caused the controversial addition of Section 2A to the Local Government Act 1986 (affecting England, Wales and Scotland and Northern Ireland), enacted on 24 May 1988. The amendment stated that a local authority "shall not intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality" or "promote the teaching in any maintained school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship".//

seems pretty clear to me.
Have you read the entire page?
Question Author
if you have a point make it.
TTT - what is your definition of 'gay propaganda'?

I ask, because as far as I am aware, the section 28 sub clause didn't specify what it was, leaving schools and local authorise open to prosecution for the most innocent of 'infractions'.

That was part of the problem - the govenment was introducing censorship based on Thatcher's widely acknowledge principle that children 'do not have the right to grow up gay.

...which is sinister, no matter how you want to play it.
I made it in my first post.
You don't understand the remit of Section 28.
I know you find it far easier to dismiss things that you don't/can't understand as being 'lefty' but it doesn't make your dismissal any more factual.

///Baldric, I don't think I would want to have 'a quiet word' with anyone who fights for equality.///

So that confirms it, even you guys think they're troublemakers!
Question Author
JTH stop talking in riddles and spell it out, what first post? you mean in this thread or what? you said rubbish then don't explain, then accuse me of error? bizarre!

SP, as in the article above, it specified in unambiguous terms:
//The amendment stated that a local authority "shall not intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality" or "promote the teaching in any maintained school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship//
thats 100% clear to me, if you need a hand just replace the word "homosexuality" with something else,eg "consumption of donuts". So now you can see that we sho not encourage the consumption of donuts but, crucially we are alowed to talk about them.
JTH, so you have a degree in section 28 or something?

You appear to claim TTT dismisses things as lefty because he does not understand?

But I dont see you actually forming an argument against is posts just statemetns like 'absolute rubbish'

Perhaps if you got of your high horse and tried to understand where he is coming from you might get somewhere.
How sweet of you to leap to TGTs defence, ymb....

I have a far greater understanding of Section 28 than you both, that much is patently obvious.

You wrote (quoting me):

"So that confirms it, even you guys think they're troublemakers!"

I don't understand what you mean.
Question Author
it seems I am not allowed to attain the higher plain of S28 understanding!

How on earth do you 'promote homosexuality'?

What Thatcher intended was to deny any information which would allow kids to 'grow up gay'.

It is fundamentally stupid to think that homosexuality can be 'promoted', like you can promote Corn Flake or the new BMW 3 series.

What Thatcher wanted was for gay kids to be isolated and to have no information or help from their schools or any public body.

That's what Section 28 was all about.


No...I can see what you mean about Section 28, but honestly, you're not seeing the true picture of what the Local Government Act meant.

Because no-one can be sure of what 'promotion' mean, teachers at the time were effectively gagged from even entering into discussions about any to do with gay people.
But JTH Abers frequently jump to other Abers defence when they see fit, it happens all the time ! So why shouldn't it happen re. your posts ??
Where did I say it shouldn't happen?

I said I thought it was sweet.....
Question Author
oh come on SP, you know as well as me what was intended and you also know how it was interpreted by lefty teachers having a hissy fit. They claimed they were not even allowed to mention homosexuality, simply untrue. It was hijacked to make a political point. We all know what "promote" means and the wording was clear in my view.

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