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How Did This Savage Escape Jail?

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ToraToraTora | 13:56 Thu 06th Nov 2014 | News
118 Answers
absolutely horrific serial killer.


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Well I'm not going to say...I'm're right....when..I'm right and you're I?

When did we have to do something to know whether it's wrong or not?
Exactly what do you define 'wierd' Gness? If it simply comes down to what your world view is vs. mine, so be it. I have a lot friends with whom I disagree but I put it down to a difference of opinion... only they usually had well reasoned logic as to why they believe their way. What's yours?

You know, my preference for outside shoes is L.L. Bean Duck Boots, but if your's happened to be Bacco Bucci cap toe 'Casado', I'd probably think they were inappropriate for my use and would never use them, but I wouldn't expect you to appreciate a good L.L. Bean boot from Freeport Maine either... "kicking a cat"... pretty juvenile response... "relieve anger and frustration"... not sure I'd want to meet you on a dark street if you have those kinds of emotions, at least not without my .45 caliber Colt ACP handy.
Define weird?.....Read through that last post of have my definition.....
What ever...
Oh I hate that expression....even my grandchildren know better.... are cherry picking from what I post....cherry picking and twisting... that just weakens your argument.
Guess, Gness, I'll just have to rely on divebuddy's response... seems appropriate at this time... "...Not much point in trying to talk about it really, is there?"
Back from the schutzenfest, tired and weary.....
Dreadful weather here, Shoota...did you get soaked?
Moderately moist - was thinking of you......
andy-hughes // ludwig - I think killing for food and killing for fun are two separate concepts - wouldn't you agree? //

I've been out so need to catch up with the thread, but an answer to the above.

All the pheasants shot are eaten, so they're killed for food. Just like the cows and the lambs. They don't shoot the pheasants then go off and bury the bodies somewhere.

As I said, what seems to annoy people is not the killing, it's simply the fact that some of the people doing the killing might actually be enjoying it.

If you are a vegetarian, there is no inconsistency - you object to killing other sentient beings full stop. If you eat meat, you don't mind the killing, that's good because roast pheasant is nice - but you don't want people to have fun whilst killing the pheasants.
pixie - // I was a vegetarian for years- but people eat meat, so cows are bred and killed for that reason. What is the motivation in killing birds yourself? //

The motivation is that they like doing it. You get a day out in the country shooting guns. I take it you always refuse to eat pheasant on the grounds that someone had a nice day out killing it (and that's immoral), but will quite happily tuck into a leg of lamb because some wage slave in an abbattoir joylessly despatched it by pressing a button ?
pixie // Killed for food. But what makes somebody actually want to do it themselves, if they don't need to? //

Again, because they like it. So again I'd ask - it's just the hunters you object to. You're happy with the nice juicy steak?
gness // Well, Ludwig...that would depend on whether or not one eats meat....on whether of not one finds out about how their meat arrives on the table.....

I can't divorce those who prepare meat for our table from those who kill for pleasure because I have seen some horrific videos from abattoirs and the conditions in which some animals are reared.......

But wandering around the woods killing is still weird to me......couldn't be doing with anyone who did that....x //

gness you don't actually say if you're veggie or not, but I'd refer you to my above answers - if you are, there's no inconsistency in your view. It makes perfect sense - you object to animals being killed for whatever reason, and that's fine.

I'm asking the people who eat meat, why they don't like people shooting pheasants, but are quite happy to eat them.

for the record..
I eat meat.
I've never shot anything, and I wouldn't want to.
I have no objection to hunting as long as whatever's killed is eaten.
operative word from gromit seems to be 'estimated'.
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I know what my name is but have no idea what you mean divebuddy.
her name is DaisyNonna.

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