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Support Of Ukip?

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sp1814 | 13:42 Thu 20th Nov 2014 | News
86 Answers
With UKIP's popularity growing, do you see a point between now and the next General Election, where a national newspaper comes out in support of the party?

If so - which paper do you think will be first out of the gate?

I've always found it odd that the Daily Mail hasn't thrown it's weight behind the party as the paper's stance on so many areas dove-tails perfectly with UKIP.


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marriage made in heaven / hell

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ChillDoubt - "Ok, let's take it to extremes if you want to be argumentative. 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust.
That was defined as genocide."

Genocide is the crime of attempting to wipe out a racial or ethnic group - it does not depend on a critera if numbers.

Genocide is the intention and action - not the numbers involved.

If you are going to use inappropriate historical comparions to back up your argument - it helps if they are factually acurate.
It has to be the Sun, its full of lies as the people of Liverpool know, popularity of this *** paper in Liverpool is that great, they would not use it to wipe their @rse.

/// Bizarrely, whilst looking at groups least likely to vote for UKIP, you managed to skip past households with an income of more than £30,000 a year, university graduates, Daily Mirror readers, those 'slightly left of centre, the under 40s, Times readers, Labour voters, Independent readers and those 'very left of centre'. ///

I don't know where you were educated but when addressing a list of groups less likely, one should start at the bottom (ie, the less likely) than starting at the top, those who would be the more likely than those at the bottom.
Well it won't be the Grauniad or the Mirror, that's for sure!
Same question to you (trying belatedly to keep this thread focussed).
As I never read one and pay scant attention to them anyway I don't have the foggiest, not a Scooby Doo.
I'd rather they were apolitical and just printed factual stories without a slant.

/// Logic dictates that it will be the mail - especially looking at the list of those likely to vote UKIP ///

You seem to have a particular problem with lists don't you, if you hadn't you would not have failed to notice that there are a larger percentage of Express readers who would vote UKIP.

Much as you would like to. you cannot change the list to fit in with your own agenda.
If you are going to use inappropriate historical comparions to back up your argument - it helps if they are factually acurate.

Which part of 6 million are you struggling with?
Let me know before I leave the thread shortly, I feel another 200+ andy-fest in the offing.......

/// One of the reasons I think the Daily Mail will side with UKIP is that whenever someone links to one of their stories from AB, I can't help but notice how positive the site's readership is of Nigel and his party. ///

And that is precisely why the Left do not like either.
Call me shallow but I prefer my party leader to have a pair of balls,so that rules out one nut Nigel.
To say 15% of people support UKIP therefore 85% don't is misleading at best. In the same poll 25% could support labour - that means 75% don't. then factor in the 'don't knows'. People are getting mighty sick of the Press vendetta against UKIP and remember -the UK loves an underdog, this coupled with a major P off with the EU and unfettered European immigration, well wait and see that all I'm saying.
Buffalo Nigel Fararge has the balls to say what hundreds of thousands of people are thinking, more than the other two major parties leaders who are hiding behind Farage going 'yes what he said ,what he said'
Chili....I have the following so many times on here, that I am thinking of getting a rubber stamp made !

If Ed is so unpopular, why can't dave get ahead and stay ahead in the Polls ?
Labour have nothing to fear tonight when the Polls close in Rochester. Its dave that will be likely to lose a seat in Westminster, and that will be his second in a few weeks.

Its policies that count, not personalities and that is why the Tories are not trusted. I hope more Tory MPs jump the sinking ship that is the ruling Tory party, just like rats always do.
@RetroChic I wasn't being metaphorical.
Rather be a UKIP rat than a Libdem mouse.
Retrochic....15% isn't "many" as someone has suggested on here today, and UKIP know that. They are in the same position that all minor parties are in a essentially two-party system like Britain. Look at the Electoral Calculus wedsite :: Support for UKIP doesn't mean seats in Parliament and its seats that win elections. The Liberal Party and SDP found that out many years ago and Farage will learn his lesson as well.

Important quote from the EC site ::

"However, the new split in British politics is not on the left as it was with Labour and SDP during the 1980s. Rather it is now on the right, between the Conservatives and UKIP. Although UKIP are unlikely to win many seats, they take votes away from the Conservatives and make it harder from them to win a general election"

Its not enough for UKIP to summon up support. In order for UKIP to do well, the Tories have to do badly, because its from the right that UKIP gets most of its support ( and Party activists for that matter )

Just to remind everybody...UKIP only has one policy and its contained within the name of the Party. If people really want to come out of the EU, then a vote for UKIP is going to be a wasted vote.
If someone leaves the Tory party and joins UKIP, Mikey calls him a rat. Would he say the same about someone who leaves the Tory party to join Labour? Shaun Woodward springs to mind.
What utter nonsense, UKIP does not just have one Policy. It promotes Independence from the EU but there is a lot more to UKIP than that. Healthcare,green issues Taxation all covered by the UKIP manifesto if you would care to read it.
Just to remind everybody...UKIP only has one policy and its contained within the name of the Party.
Wrong, again:

Whereas Labour are just......labouring. Badly.
It must really grind your gears mikey that Eds only hope of having his wish come true is on the back of Farage's efforts and UKIP's burgeoning support. If he does get in I hope he does the decent thing and congratulates and warmly thanks Farage, it'd be the decent thing after all.

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