Gromit, the Koran is remarkably like the bible because Mohammed used the bible as his template for his book which was constructed to rival the other Abrahamic faiths, and many stories from the old and new testaments (and from other ancient Jewish writings) are there, albeit re-jigged somewhat. Mohammed’s wife’s relation was a Hebrew-reading Christian, very well versed in scripture, so an excellent source of information. Of course, Muslims believe that the Jews altered the bible, and not the other way around.
The original rift between the two factions goes back much further than you think – right back to the time of Abraham. Muslims are allegedly descended from his eldest son, Ishmael, born to a servant, Hagar; the Jews from his second son Isaac, born to Abraham’s wife, Sarah. The story continues with the sons of Isaac – Jacob, and Esau who married a daughter of Ishmael and was cheated by his brother out of his birth-right. Anyway the long and the short of it is the Jews are allegedly descended from Isaac/Jacob and the Muslims from Ishmael/Esau – and they are all descended from Abraham. The covenant between God and his chosen people (the Jews) has always been a thorn in the side of Islam and there has always been jealousy and resentment, so actually politics is not the root cause – religion is.
Incidentally, the Koran tells us that Allah turned some Jews and Christians into pigs and apes.
Sorry this is a bit ‘waffley’ – but I thought it best to get the story straight.
Good post, Ummmm.