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Are You One Of The Good People Of Britain That This Person Is Referring To?

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anotheoldgit | 12:49 Tue 20th Jan 2015 | News
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So jim and AP purport to be male. They have their genitalia removed , take hormone tablets and grow large mammarys. They live in their deluded world that they are now female. What, god forbid, they were obliged to give DNA samples at the scene of a crime for elimination purposes. Forensic testing states that these two persons are MALE not FEMALE contrary to the delusions they aspire to. That is FACT not showing DISRESPECT. I suppose there are some who would jump at the fact that their artificial gender was exposed and try to claim legal aid, as their right, for hurt feelings etc.
If pious cant were money could pay for this operation (and another ten like it) from this thread alone.
So how many people already here needing treatment for any ailment could be treated for the cost of this FREE operation for a non-resident?
Are you deliberately using myself and Jim as 'test subjects' simply to vent your opinionated dogmatic spleen RC?
What gives you the right to STATE that TG people are "deluded"? Of course we know about their original gender and DNA but in their heads, they are not of that gender and I for one see no issue with them going through gender re-assignment treatment/operations in order for them to feel as complete and contented as they can.
You know what, I think you are frightened of them as a result of your failure to understand.
If pious cant were money ONE could pay for...
We can construct all sorts of hypotheticals, retrocop, but it doesn't undermine the fact that gender is far, far more complicated than just biology or genetics.

ANd besides, it would hardly matter. Genetic testing tests rather a lot more than whether or not the suspect has XX or XY chromosomes (or any other combination), but also myriad other genetic indicators that would identify that person.

And I doubt anyone would be all that hurt by it either, since the revelation that someone was biologically male is hardly a revelation to that person. She'd simply point out that it wasn't how she thought of herself, nor how she presented to the world. Hence all that stuff about being "trapped in the wrong body". This is not a delusion and really you ought to stop saying such rubbish.
I rather like the saying you wrote in your 2108 post. It was a bit like saying " Sorry I didn't mean to be crassly rude. It was my spell checker that misinterpreted that I meant to type retrocop instead of retrodope.
Yeah. Well I don't live in the land of the fairies and have a mite more intelligence that some so called debaters give me credit for. My spellchecker could not change cop to dope. Yes I do have old fashioned values as you quite rightly point out. Is that so terrible? Not so bad as those, it would seem, who would like to see this country sink into the mire of the Marxist country doctrines they support
Sorry, eleven more.
You are both saying I am disrespectful for stating this person is a male. Did not the link say he was born a male ? So why are you accusing me of saying he is not a female . Has born a male so get over it. He will never become a female .Is that not fact?
I understand they have a problem. Most people have a problem of health tourists bringing their problems to this country and expect to have their problems dealt with at the tax payers expense. Answer me this. Why is this individual choosing to come to the UK to remedy this non life threatening, non urgent problem he has? Why doesn't he have it dealt with in the country of his birth?
Because gender is more than biology... which is, apparently, something you're either deliberately ignoring or just continually overlooking every time I say it for some reason. One way or another, how a person is born is not the only factor in determining who they are, or how the world sees them.
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This still rumbling? Anyone would think Gina was on a plane as we speak with a bed booked - rather than simply (as stated many times) using media for attention and hopefully funds.

The chances of it happening here on the NHS are very remote indeed.
Yes I notice the real issue of why we fund this dream is conveniently side stepped by the robin hoods who have great largesse with deep pockets of other peoples hard earned money who happen to see this country as an easy touch and are quite happy to see it happen. We do have, indeed, some enemies within. Won't bother to debate this anymore. Goodnight all. Sweet dreaming!!
We had tried to return the conversation to that, divebuddy, but then it returned to this issue again. Perhaps I played my part in that, but as they say it takes two to tango.

The issue over funding this particular surgery is, I think, much more acute because people see it as a choice when, for many, it is so much more than that, and can be wrapped up in mental health issues. As has been pointed out earlier surgery doesn't always necessarily resolve these, but in most cases it does help; and goodness only knows that mental health issues get far, far too little attention (be they British nationals or anyone else's).

Since, as the article mentions, there is a 12-month minimum wait she'll have to face before getting surgery, again it demonstrates that it's not a decision taken lightly. And it should not be treated lightly, either.

I am not putting anyone on trial for crimes against humanity. I had hoped that maybe some of the points I was making might be taken on board; apparently, not. No matter. Attitudes to this are changing, gradually, and in time nobody will come out with crude metaphors to describe such a complex issue.

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Not exactly sure what you're counting, but on the two most likely guesses I think you're probably quite a bit short...

What day of reckoning, divebuddy?
I can think of other things I'd rather do with my money....
As long as I'm not number 13 - if so can you mark me as plus 1.

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