Question Author have made some very good points here this evening. Its up to us, and others, to make sure that racism is countered at every available opportunity.
There is far too much non-condoning going on. What Farage has done is his usual media manipulation, as explained by Eddie Mair today on Radio Four.
First, he makes an unbelievable statement, that is effectively blowing a dog whistle. He then, later in the day, retracts part of what he says, under a concerted bombardment by everybody else. His argument, as always, is that he has been "misunderstood" and "misquoted"........yeah right Nige !
But, as he has blown that dog whistle, we end up fire-fighting, instead of addressing the really important issues of the day. Classic Farage diversion tactics.
He has played the race card today and allowed all our closet racists to run to his defence.
You can fool some of the people, some of the time, but Farage will soon discover, that despite his best efforts, you just can't fool all the people, all of the time. He will discover that his attempts to placate the racist element of his Party is confined to just that.....he has reached the limit of his abilities to recruit more racists to his cause.
I have just watched the Politics Show and the Bookies are predicting that UKIP could end up with 3 MP's after the Election, as well as losing one of the seats he hijacked from the Tories.
So in the end all this will just be a lot of hot air, and hot air with a distinctive bad smell to it.