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Will Scotland Vote Snp?

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naomi24 | 09:10 Fri 03rd Apr 2015 | News
89 Answers
With the concern in the rest of the country about the SNP potentially holding sway over a Labour government, something’s puzzling me. Since the outcome of the Scottish referendum was ‘No to independence’, will the majority of electorate there, who don’t want independence, vote against the SNP in the forthcoming elections?


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kylesmum, //We are funded by the tax we pay into the pot.//

You are funded by the tax everyone pays into the pot. Unfortunately some of us do not receive an equal share of that pot. Murraymints is not resorting to insults. She’s one of the few Scots on here with clear and unselfish vision.
Are you always so pedantic Naomi?
I said we were were funded by the tax we paid into the pot.....which part of that do you really want to dissect and rip to shreds to prove an non existant point?

What bothers me more than anything at at all is just how personally people take politics.If it's not slating the candidates it's slating the people who have opposing views....and it is personal. I never ever would take politics so much to heart that I wouldn't only discuss/debate policies. Hard facts. Never ever would I slate 'people' .

If you and MM sing from the same 'hymn' sheet ...fine.

She's a Scot on here with whom you're in tune with politically. Doesn't make any other Scots opinion less valid though, we just differ.

Anyway... let's not make this all about us...we know you're all just envious ;) x
BTW...who resorted to insults? I didn't

MM has done her fair share in the past and i'm sure she'll admit it ....well she doesn't have to :)

Anyway...insult all you like, it just invalidates your point, which actually might be valid.
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kylesmum, If pedantic translates to honesty, then yes, I am pedantic. I have no idea whether or not Murraymints and I are politically in tune, but what I do know is that she has not resorted to insults as you claim – and neither have I. As for envy, I can’t speak for everyone here, but personally I’m sick of hearing the Scots whinging when they get far more than their fair share of the ‘pot’ than the rest of us. Had your referendum produced a different result we might have seen just how independent you really can be. Still, next time perhaps. We live in hope.
MM...will take delight in admitting she resorted to insulting Salmond during the referendum...I don't even have to search for examples...she was vociferous. I admire her passion.

When have you seen the Scots whinging Naomi? Or indeed where? I have to concede some are less than enamoured by being still ultimately being under Westminster rule, but if we're all as truthful who is?

Trujtfully. as a nation we don't sit back and moan, we are pro-active and if we're nit happy we try to do something about i.

Contrary to popular belief...we don't hate any other nation, I have lots of very close family , whom I adore , mainly in England but the crux is we have to look out for ourselves.

Finally, I pay tax, my husband pays 40% of his earnings in tax, we have cause to be bitter but we're not.This blooming fallacy Scots get more is just that...a fallacy.
I'm not bumping my gums at the unfairness of how we, as a couple, pay so much in only to be penalised so heavily. We're not all on the minimum wage here ;) I'm also not being disrespectful as TTT is.

No matter. we've been called worse, just anyone don't pick anyone else up on AB for saying Chinky or *** again.This bloke gets away with blooming everything !!
Began with P and ended with i and I thereby rest by case. It's okay for TTT to continually call Scottish people Sweaties but I cant mention someone from Pakistan using the shortened version not in a derogatory manner.I was using it as an example.
He continually uses the term Sweaties for Scottish people and gets away with it. Says more about him.

Tell rule for some and all that.

I'm beginning to think AOG has a point !!!
I agree with you Kylesmum especially concerning the derogatory expressions used by TTT,and I have raised this on a few occasions in the past,

However what else can we expect from a dyed in the wool Little Englander.
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kylesmum, you’re whinging now! Everyone in your situation is ‘penalised’ just as much as you are, but unfortunately most of us don’t reap the benefits that you reap so you have no cause to be bitter. ‘Westminster’ hasn’t been so bad to you. I’ve no idea what your confusing reference to ‘chinky’ relates to, so I’ll ignore that.
kylesmum - "This blooming fallacy Scots get more is just that...a fallacy."

I very rarely post in News, but you might wish to read the following article which reflects the situation (before the crash in the price of oil) :-
TY Sir O :) See that brick wall>>>!!!

naomi....I really really really wasn't whinging. We suck it up...I only used it as an example to show that us Scots pay as much, if not more, into the pot.
Okay...we, as in my husband and I berate the fact he works damned hard in order to hand 40% of his earnings across in tax alone but know what? We don't blame the rest of the UK.

naomi...not for one milisecond do I believe you don't get the connection with Chinky but in order to play fair i'll go along with it. Some people. in fact a lot of people take exception to Chinese people being called Chinkies.It's seen as an insult, it's not PC.Much the same as the shortened version of Pakistani. So ....why is it acceptable to call Scots 'Sweaties'. Scotties I could understand, see previous but 'Sweaties'.There.. i've indulged you in explaining it to you, I know and you know it wasn't necessary but i'm fair.

Ouzel...I couldn't open the link but I shall respond when I do, i'm not ignoring you .

Ouzel....I could cherry pick but in that article twice it stated Scots paid more in tax

Second bite : Ms Sturgeon said: “On average, Scotland paid £400 more in tax per person to the UK Treasury than elsewhere in the UK last year. That is the 34th year in which we have contributed more than the rest of the UK and is a testament to the inherent strengths of the Scottish economy.

Hopefully for the last time i'm going to have to defend Scotland and their autonomy can people please get their heads around the fact it's a General Election !

If you sre not happy with the way *your* taxes are being spent, ho hard done by you are then vote for the candidate who can change your lives.

Its NOT about Scotland......please don't make it about Scotland....we are a nation with a population half of London. Most countries would be proud to be associated with us !!!
Indeed, but it also said that "When the £400 extra per person raised north of the border was subtracted from the £1,200 per person extra spending, Scotland remained £800 in the red."

It's all academic :

However we should all vote, stop slating Scotland (it's tedious and irrelevant) and make our voices heard. If you're not happy ....go to the source, vote with your feet ! Don't come on AB and slate yer fellow muckers, it doesn't make for a harmonious place to be, we're just voters same as you.

Plus , cheap shots at anyone regarding how they look says way more about the person than the candidate.It's trite and shallow and if I want to read that stuff i'll buy Private Eye, it certainly wouldn't be from the pages of AB anyway !

'Sweaties' is not derogatory, it's just a humorous nickname. The same person calls the Americans 'septics'; it's merely cockney rhyming slang.
I can assure you it's used in a derogatory manner.
He continues to use it, despite being asked not to, clearly not reported.
He has Farage as his bizarre he follows his policies yet deems it necessary to *** an entire home nation , on a loop ;/
Anyway...we've been called worse....Jocks :(
Joke !! We have broad shoulders.....I personally, not on anyones behalf was highlighting the anomalies in the names we give certain nations and the reactions.
As for can't fix stupid ;)
septic and sweaty are both derogatory terms. It's easy enough to find rhymes that aren't rude, but the English prefer not to.
I didn't swear back there !
It was so innocuous I can't even remember the word BUT I didn't swear/cuss/use bad language..
probably rhymed with rag?
The term 'Sassenach' is used in a derogatory manner, but it doesn't bother me. It only means Saxon, which i am.
not used much on AB, though. I've just done a search and it's come up with nine mentions since 2006.

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