Tony/svejk, You have the wrong end of the stick. Far from condemning manual workers, the ‘grammar school kids’ here are championing a system that provides a standard of education appropriate to the abilities of each individual. ‘The scrap heap’ referred to relates to Labour’s assumption that anyone who fails to meet its academic criteria isn’t worthy of an apprenticeship. We aren’t confining anyone to the scrap heap – the Labour party is doing that. We know that a lot of potential is going unrecognised, and hence wasted. As for your reference to ‘pen pushers’, that’s nothing more than inverted snobbery. Furthermore, never automatically assume that a manual worker works harder than what you call a pen pusher because in very many instances you would be utterly wrong. Back to schools. I know people who left secondary school with no qualifications whatsoever, and yet have built hugely successful businesses in building, transport, retail, and in other areas. The intricacies of the plays of Shakespeare may elude them, but they do possess much needed practical and organisational skills - and they can count money. The Labour party fails to recognise that, educationally, one size does not fit all and that academic qualifications don’t necessarily equate to success. In its abject ignorance it is failing the very people it claims, quite disingenuously in my opinion, to represent.