Near enough every other day some crank comes out with this rubbish, who is the instigater of Racilim? the likes of this Idiot, why/ for personal gain, when you & the ;likes of your tribes came / imported into this country we had rules, standards, Traditions, what right have you and the likes of *** stirring cranks like you to instigate trouble, you and the likes have an option, don't like it, get on the next fecking boat & go It simple as that, there are people in this country that are happy the way things are but the likes of trouble making cranks like you have to stir, there are people from Many Country's from abroad that are happy to except our tradition, it seems the problems are some Muslims, again, if you don't like the way things are, go back to your rat infested *** hole that you left & do not dictate to the people of this country It has welcomed you, we see time & time again the likes of this crank coming out with stupid comments & causing ill feelings, its not the whites that cause the trouble in the UK but some of you idiotic *** stirring Blacks, I hope this post does not get Deleted, It was said in disgust the way that these cranks are coming out with Self opinionated listen to me comments, If I was the head of this cranks Council he would be out on his ear the Idiot.