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Hundreds Of Police Officers Convicted In Past Three Years

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mikey4444 | 09:27 Fri 24th Jul 2015 | News
51 Answers

If we can't trust the Police.....

A lot of these Officers were guilty of having child sex images. Is it any wonder that paedophile activity is now getting out of hand in Britain today ?

Custodiet ipsos custodes ?


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retrocop, are you suggesting that all of these police officers with criminal records are either ethnic or homosexual, or both?
I could be wrong but I read it as positions are filled by box ticking instead of who is most suitable for the job.
The major difference between today's police officers and those of the 70s and earlier is that now bent coppers are convicted
I think it has been touched on , but to add - as disturbing as it is , people who hold positions within society who should uphold law/decency and hold our trust are simply that - people.

Everyone has their weaknesses and they carry them through life, all that can be done is to clamp down on them wherever possible.
Yes you are quite correct and not reading something that is not there.
I was saying that there appears to be less scrutiny into a candidates past.If the ranks were inclusive to all at the time of recruiting and those who were most suitable and qualified ( No criminal record) were cherry picked rather than just ticking boxes we may have less criminality within all jobs and careers.
Bent coppers were slung out with great zeal at the start of Sir Robert Marks tenure as Police Commissioner (1972-1977).
A.10 known as Mark's Suspenders was the first efficient department created by Sir Robert to route out corruption and wrong doing. He was never a political puppet either unlike those of today and could HIRE and Fire.

/// Sorry, I slipped into 'AOG Golden Age of Britain' mode there ///

You mean the 'AGE' that you yourself had no personal experience of?
No. The age that never existed.

/// No. The age that never existed. ///

Perhaps not for you, who was not even a twinkle in your Dad's eyes.
Well, thanks for proving my post correct anyway.
//where summers were long, no one gets murdered, there were no foreigners in our country and everything was cheaper than it is now. //

I can assure you that those days,as described,almost existed. Summers always seemed to be warm and sunny. Pre Windrush days coloured faces were a rarity. There was Capital Punishment and if a murder occurred in a town,village,hamlet it hit the front page of the National papers. Now the several murders a month in a certain London borough might make the third page of the local Guardian.
'coloured faces'

Jeez. Remind me what century we're in again.

'seemed to be warm and sunny' "seemed"being to operative word.
OK .Have it your way I knew what I meant and I expect aog did also. "Black faces,Foreign Faces" What does a foreign face look like? I find the term Black more offensive than coloured and that is why I still use it but then I don't follow sheep. A lot of faces that are not white in London are BROWN and very few can be described as Black.
It's not about what you want to call people. It's about what is acceptable to them but I do appreciate that you and AOG are from a generation where such considerations weren't foremost in your thoughts.
Quite right.Those "considerations" were not deemed necessary to be forced on us as we had what was right/wrong, civility, courtesy taught at an early stage.
I don't remember much rain during the summer holidays of my childhood....doesn't mean it didn't happen. We just remember the good days...not the days you were stuck inside with a colouring book.
You mustn't say colouring, ummmm. Get with it. ;)
I recall many hot balmy summers at the age of 6 onwards too well.
Packed off to bed at 7.30pm on a warm and humid evening. Listening to the campanologists practicing in our local church a mile away. Bedroom windows wide open because of the heat and ALL my ruddy mates laughing and playing on the green right outside my window. Oh the injustice of it.
Sorry Mikey I digress off your subject.
Yeah, I was always made to go to bed and listen to all my mates having a great time outside. No wonder we're so 'grouchy', retro.
I think that was when they were introduced to that old French phrase "Guarde de'leau" or something similar. :-)

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