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Hundreds Of Police Officers Convicted In Past Three Years

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mikey4444 | 09:27 Fri 24th Jul 2015 | News
51 Answers

If we can't trust the Police.....

A lot of these Officers were guilty of having child sex images. Is it any wonder that paedophile activity is now getting out of hand in Britain today ?

Custodiet ipsos custodes ?


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I was always told to come home when the lights came on (street lights) but I don't suppose you lot had electric street lighting.
Yes we did an our milk was delivered by Express Dairy horse and cart.
No Zac we didn't have street lighting....the Luftwaffe saw to that.
awww, bless.
We had torchlight parades, zacs.
Retro....It's selective memory. I remember long and hot summers. But I also remember my dad chucking us out in the rain and locking the front door (as a joke - he wasn't cruel) and being rained off from work and picking us up from school. We tend to hold on to the happy memories.

Hopefully my kids will also forget the bad days and only remember the happy ones :-)
Svejk, ah yes I've seen pictures of that with your pointy white hats. How droll.
I was thinking slightly later than you.If the bells had been ringing ,as I earlier mentioned, when you were recalling times then you really would be expecting some unwanted foreigners. :-)

You 're right. I can think of two really bad rain storms in the Summers of the early 50's. Certainly plenty of harsh winters especially the snow of 56
I hope that if my kids have bad memories ( I nearly said "grow up to have". They are 33 and 36) they didn't start in our household during their childhood.

And what about the bubbling melted tar in the gutters, which stuck to one's bare knees when one was playing marbles.

And one could be sure of a vicious thunderstorm after each spell of hot weather.
That was an occupational hazard that the toughest gang members braved. Losing their marbles was the ultimate shame. :-)
// Bent coppers were slung out with great zeal at the start of Sir Robert Marks tenure as Police Commissioner (1972-1977). //

zeal ? zeal ? There were a few of them by that time - Heathrow Row being called Thief-Row - and didn't he fire the whole lot there as irredeemably corrupt ?

I am sorry to hear that the fuzz was known to be corrupt and the first to do anything about it was Mark. The Krays said they could do anything in London as they were paying off the metropolitan police and I thought it was just gangland hype ....

and not " o yeah we all knew that .... "

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