Body & Soul1 min ago
Little Boy Washed Up Dead On Turkish Beach
http:// www.the guardia orld/20 15/sep/ 03/refu gee-cri sis-syr ian-boy -washed -up-on- beach-t urkey-t rying-t o-reach -canada #img-1
This is a heart-breaking picture. What do our "righties" think ? Should we help these people or not ? This refugee crisis is now being talked about as the worst in Europe since WW2.
The full story is here ::
http:// www.the guardia orld/20 15/sep/ 03/refu gee-cri sis-syr ian-boy -washed -up-on- beach-t urkey-t rying-t o-reach -canada
Just in case anyone thinks this is the Guardian making its usual fuss, this is the Independent today :::
http:// www.ind ependen /news/w orld/eu rope/if -these- extraor dinaril y-power ful-ima ges-of- a-dead- syrian- child-w ashed-u p-on-a- beach-d ont-cha nge-eur opes-at titude- to-refu gees-wh at-will -104827 57.html
This is a heart-breaking picture. What do our "righties" think ? Should we help these people or not ? This refugee crisis is now being talked about as the worst in Europe since WW2.
The full story is here ::
Just in case anyone thinks this is the Guardian making its usual fuss, this is the Independent today :::
Surley we can do something? Even if its not "opening the floodgates" surley we can still help?? This breaks my heart- the horror. Id be on that boat trying to save my childs life if god forbid i was in that situation. There must be something our countries can do between us all to help. I work with a gentleman whos sister was planning on getting a boat she lives in...
09:52 Thu 03rd Sep 2015
http:// www.dai lymail. ews/art icle-32 20400/T he-trut h-Germa n-claim s-real- numbers -Britai n-takes -JAMES- SLACK-S -analys is-migr ant-cri sis.htm l
Perhaps this link should be considered before we are lectured how well Germany is doing compared to the UK!!!
Perhaps this link should be considered before we are lectured how well Germany is doing compared to the UK!!!
Retrocop, according to this Red Cross site the UK had 31,400 asylum applications in 2014. That's a great deal less than the 800,000 that Germany is accepting.
http:// cross.o hat-we- do/Refu gee-sup port/Re fugee-f acts-an d-figur es
Mikey, //Is it really too much to ask that we can debate this subject without it degenerating into a slanging match ? //
If you're trying to avoid a slanging match why create division by asking what our "righties" think?
And yes, I did cry when those ancient monuments were destroyed, but that's not to say I don't have sympathy for the plight of people in peril, so please no more insults. Get it right.
If you're trying to avoid a slanging match why create division by asking what our "righties" think?
And yes, I did cry when those ancient monuments were destroyed, but that's not to say I don't have sympathy for the plight of people in peril, so please no more insults. Get it right.
He has become the new ice bucket challenge or the new Cecil the lion. We are all up in arms about it now but in two weeks we will have all forgotten about little Aylan and Galip (his elder brother who also drown) - and we should all hang our heads in shame too.
As for allowing additional refugees - of course we should - lets allow an extra 100,000 say but you tell the 100,001(especially if its a small beautiful child) they cannot come to this country - because I have not the guts to do that.
Maybe we could just take women and children and let the men remain to become their countries freedom fighters.
I won't go on about the lack of any aid by the Saudi countries who can well afford it and who, in my opinion have contributed to the problem in the first place
Sorry to rant but I am mad
As for allowing additional refugees - of course we should - lets allow an extra 100,000 say but you tell the 100,001(especially if its a small beautiful child) they cannot come to this country - because I have not the guts to do that.
Maybe we could just take women and children and let the men remain to become their countries freedom fighters.
I won't go on about the lack of any aid by the Saudi countries who can well afford it and who, in my opinion have contributed to the problem in the first place
Sorry to rant but I am mad
Please read the link I provided.We have been accepting more migrants than Germany for nearly 15 years and no one realises that fact until now.Germany was doing little then and now has kickstarted itself into action and assumes we must take "our fair share" We have been doing so for some time now.
Please read the link I provided.We have been accepting more migrants than Germany for nearly 15 years and no one realises that fact until now.Germany was doing little then and now has kickstarted itself into action and assumes we must take "our fair share" We have been doing so for some time now. a "leftie" I have already made my position clear. I think we should follow Germany's example and do more. The situation isn't going to go away by us ignoring it.
I see this picture as a seminal moment in the current refugee crisis, in the same way that the photo taken of the little girl fleeing a napalm attack in Vietnam was, that brought about the end of the war there.
I see this picture as a seminal moment in the current refugee crisis, in the same way that the photo taken of the little girl fleeing a napalm attack in Vietnam was, that brought about the end of the war there.
Europeans are using this tragedy as a finger pointing exercise in "look how many we've taken, why can't the UK take more?".
every country should first of all consider the size and then decide how many they can take.
France.247,000 sq miles, 66 mill
Spain. 192,000, 46 mill
Germany.134,000, 81 mill
UK. 93,000, 65 mill
Why isn't Germany pointing the finger at France & Spain?
every country should first of all consider the size and then decide how many they can take.
France.247,000 sq miles, 66 mill
Spain. 192,000, 46 mill
Germany.134,000, 81 mill
UK. 93,000, 65 mill
Why isn't Germany pointing the finger at France & Spain?
Some seem to view this as a keeping up with the Jones's exercise.
It is not a competition against Germany. It is a logistics problem of size and shelter availability.
Where would Swansea or my London Borough find enough housing for a sudden influx of, say, 3,000 migrants. London is struggling with lack of housing as it is. Why are property prices so high?. We haven't the space. Germany has.
It is not a competition against Germany. It is a logistics problem of size and shelter availability.
Where would Swansea or my London Borough find enough housing for a sudden influx of, say, 3,000 migrants. London is struggling with lack of housing as it is. Why are property prices so high?. We haven't the space. Germany has.
The penny has dropped. This view has been suggested a few times before with regard to this subject.
Question Author
// make a very good point here. Why are the oil-rich Gulf nations, like Saudi Arabia not doing more ? There is mounting evidence that they may indeed be part of the problem, by supplying money to the Islamic terrorists in the first place. //
The penny has dropped. This view has been suggested a few times before with regard to this subject.
Question Author
// make a very good point here. Why are the oil-rich Gulf nations, like Saudi Arabia not doing more ? There is mounting evidence that they may indeed be part of the problem, by supplying money to the Islamic terrorists in the first place. //
The problem to a large extent is that many "enterprising individuals" (some might call them traffickers) have seen a "gap in the market" (I believe that is the phrase) for "customers" desperate to leave war zones, refugee camps. As the EU chap pointed out earlier, half the population of Jordan is currently comprised of refugees! That can't be pleasant. So it's all very well for Prime Monister Orban to tell refugees "not to come here" : I doubt if he will be listened to.
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