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Yaya Toure

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redvanman | 09:44 Mon 14th Sep 2015 | News
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This devout muslim footballer farthering a child out side of his marriage makes a joke of is islam religion


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I find your approach to be arrogant, and not necessarily based on fact, so I am bowing out of corresponding with you on the subject.

That is a strange decision... do you intend on not debating with naomi on this subject ever again or just on this thread?
Talbot - //I find your approach to be arrogant, and not necessarily based on fact, so I am bowing out of corresponding with you on the subject.

That is a strange decision... do you intend on not debating with naomi on this subject ever again or just on this thread?//

Right now, it's just on this thread.

I do feel that Naomi sees herself as more of an expert on the Muslim faith than others, and she is keen to make this point.

I am putting forward views and opinions - it's a debating site not a lecture theatre, so I don't appreciate being told that I don't know what I am talking about by someone who offers no evidence of superior knowledge other than a claim to be widely read.

I am happy to advise that in terms of rock and pop music, I probably know more about the subject that anyone I know on here, and I have a thirty-five year / eighty-magazines plus writing career to back it up.

But I would never tell another AB'er that they don't know what they are talking about - that is arrogance, and it defeats the purpose of coming on here - to exchange views and opinions, not tell people that they know nothing.
Well I can't see the point in taking that action when it will obviously happen again on the next similar thread.
Talbot - "Well I can't see the point in taking that action when it will obviously happen again on the next similar thread."

Hopefully it won't.

Maybe Naomi will read my post and consider her approach - but if not, then it hurts no-one if we simply don't debate on the subject of Muslims.
andy-hughes, No, Naomi will not consider her approach. Despite your sarcasm I provided the evidence you wanted but instead of learning by it, you launch into a personal attack – a positive sign of a failing argument. Be assured that, unlike you, I don’t argue subjects of which I have no knowledge – technology, for example - and I don’t ask people who have offered their advice in that section to provide their credentials before I accept that advice. I am rather more well-mannered than that.

Incidentally, I didn’t say you don’t know what you’re talking about – at least not on this occasion. I said you don’t understand Islam because clearly you don’t. If you don’t want answers that might prove unpalatable to you, don’t ask the questions – and don’t blame the messenger if you do.
That's me well and truly lectured then!

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