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/// I certainly think that they have done so in the past - I hope that in more enlightened times, they could do so without making the matter into a race issue - and that can be done by proper communication with the persons involved at the time. ///
I see we are back again in your perfect world Andy.
Proper communication with the persons involved at the time you said?
Do you think that the police, especially if they happen to be white, could stop and search a young black lad, in a mainly black area, rife in gang culture, and although it was explained to him that they were picking on black lads in their efforts to stamp out knife stabbings, and that there wasn't anything personal in it, or any thought of racism, but just in the quest to make the streets safe for not only him but other black lads.
He would just say, well that's all right then, and thanks for doing such a dangerous job on my behalf, no it wouldn't happen, would it?