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In fact I think that for the first tim I might report someone.
//Anyone who chooses to address strangers in that way automatically forfeits the privilege of having their diatribe dissected in the off-chance that some of her garbage may appear on the surface to be factual.//

Which volume ,chapter and Page of Stones Justice Manual was that little gem of legal wisdom found and which High court Judge decreed it please. I would like to double check that one.
Corbyloon; //Polish folk ARE a race.//

Poles speak a form of West Slavic, a linguistic family that also includes Czech, Slovak, and Sorbian. The borders of the nation of Poland have changed significantly over the centuries. Before World War II, Poland extended further to the east, while Germany used to occupy the western reaches of modern Poland.

JORDAIN if you wouldn't listen to a private conversation in English, why does it offend you if folk are having a conversation, private or otherwise, in another language? Two English folk could be taking the Mike out of you but doing it in such a way that only they could hear, you would be none the wiser and because it was in hushed tones, you would think nothing of it.

Two Gaelic speakers who had bumped into each other on a train could be taking the opportunity to speak in their native language and be having an innocent conversation to maintain the use of Gaelic and using a normal voice. You say you would be offended not by the content-unless you speak Gaelic-but the mere fact the conversation was not in English.

In both examples, you would have been unaware of the subject matter yet only one of them would have been wrong in your eyes and not the one slagging you off.

Is that logical?
KHANDRO, as interesting as the various historic borders of Poland may be, the fact remains that modern Poland is a nation and as such, Polish folk are a race under the 2010 Act that I quoted.
Sorry if I butt in. The question you posed was for jourdain2 not for me but may I say that this is Britain and good manners dictate that it is not correct to converse in your foreign mother tongue in your adopted country in front of the indigenous population.
If I travel on a Greek bus with my wife I do not converse loudly in earshot of greeks in the bus. That is rude. Doesn't automatically mean you can't talk to your wife in English but not in a loud manner to the annoyance of the natives you travel with in their country.We Brits gave up our Empire. We no longer have the whip hand and neither do outsiders who reside here.
Race; "A group of people identified as distinct from other groups because of supposed physical or genetic traits shared by the group. Most biologists and anthropologists do not recognize race as a biologically valid classification, in part because there is more genetic variation within groups than between them."
If one was to discriminate against a Pole, because s/he was Polish (which God forbid) it would be for reasons national, not racial.
It's the law I was quoting and I see that a woman has been arrested,
The question asked on a different thread is answered: it's the loon.
RETROCOP, English folk living in Wales should be conversing in Welsh then since Welsh is the native language.
Correction, it's the Corby-fascism.
VETUSTE, I was born a loon so you're not wrong.
Yes you are right. If I was in a bus in Tenby I might speak in hushed English to my wife as I am half Welsh and can speak a little of it but my wife would not understand me so as good manners dictate I would speak in hushed English.Now when I had my honeymoon in North Wales I found no problem in speaking English when I wished to spend my British money in a Welsh establishment. No problem since I could give the courtesy of "Good day" and "Thank you " in Welsh. Just common courtesy you see. Some of us can get the hang of it.
Nos Da. :-)
VETUSTE, have another go since I am not the one dictating that only English should be spoken in the presence of any Britons.
Why should people be going round speaking in hushed tones ?
When my relatives used to come here on holiday I conversed with them in their own language within earshot of other people because their English was very limited.If other people people didn't like it then tough.
Shouldn't be listening to what others are gassing about in the first place regardless of language .People should mind their own business a bit more.

So English folk living in Wales should be speaking to each other in hushed tones all the time by your argument?
That was for RETROCOP
No. Not really. The Welsh are quite civilised and polite. They actually integrate with the rest of Britain and have actually learned English because that is the language of this Island . Were you not aware of that? Sorry for my rudeness. I am in England now. Should of said Good Night not Nos Da.
Would you understand that?
Odd how many English folk have not integrated with the Welsh by learning to speak the native language of Wales in order to have a normal conversation with speakers of Welsh. By the way, English is not the language of this island, it is one of several languages, were YOU not aware of that?
You tell me the percentage of Welsh in North and South who can actually speak it fluently. Not so many in the South for sure. None of my Welsh relatives in Swansea speak fluent Welsh and one is a professor of Maths at Swansea University.

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