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What's The Problem Here?

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ToraToraTora | 16:06 Fri 30th Oct 2015 | News
61 Answers
he'll be on everyone's "special friend" list!


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Reading divebuddy's post it looks like 'she' will be able to pick up even more 'business' in a woman's nick than she did in a male nick.
It's not been made clear what's down there but technically it's none of our business.

I agree that her being a criminal lessens my sympathy for her but she's still the victim of some unfortunate attitudes. Oddly she seems to get the worst of both worlds, bring called a man and then described anyway as mainly a sexual object. It's a shame to still see such attitudes is all.

///She has had reconstructive surgery and lived as a woman all her adult life but is still legally a man///
She does still have her male bits. Her mother was on the radio.
//almost looks like they are deliberately making it harder for themselves.// T
What on earth do you mean mamya?
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If she still has her 'male bits' then s/he should probably be classified as male. 'Oh, what a tangled web' we have wandered into.....
I'll take your word for that but it still shouldn't matter. Men are more than what's in their pants, I'd hope. And if she's not a nice person she is still a she.
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3T get real baby

the first case on this was Corbett v Corbett
the April Ashley case
Ormerod J, who was also a doctor heard the case

and no it is NOT a matter of XY .....
Certainly I agree that legally gender can be a tricky thing and it can't be totally arbitrary. But if you've had so much surgery and spent so long living as a woman then it is hardly a snap decision. It's important to recognize how hard it is for most transpeople to be able to go through the process. To decide to have surgery, to come out to their family and friends etc. It's rarely done on a whim. It would be nice to see that respected.
DB standard legal principles govern the hard (!) cases you describe and lurch around

The CP would stand as lawful as they were both men on the date they contracted the partnership.

Still, prettier people than you have got it wrong
Dear dear Princess Di thought the Act of Settlement 1701 had a provision that the Prince of Waes shall not be married to a Roman Catholic whereas the Act specifies that the fella shall not marry a Roman Catholic

so she applied to the cardinal archbishop of westminster for instruction prior to conversion who declared that altho the church of rome was a church of sinners and not saints, nonetheless they werent quite ready for the likes of Princess Di

and the rest they say is History .....

Hey DB can you imagine her following Dodi around five paces behind, in a niqab ?
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Togo, I meant that she was getting abused in the male prison and there was a likelihood that may lessen for those looking after the standards in the prison if she were moved, to me that meant their resistance was making life harder for themselves.

Eddie (who seems to know) said she would suffer more in a woman's prison , so now to be frank I feel the powers that be have lost control in both.

I don't have sympathy regarding the crimes she has committed I simply feel that each prisoner should be placed with due consideration - I also read she has mental health issues but do not know the details.

Anyway, she's been moved.
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yes yes or no no

if it came down to taking princess Di out for a drink or yourself,
I regret .....

ante mortem of course
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you mean you can drive when you're pssed ?
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What I want is for her criminal activities to be disentangled from her gender. Mixing the two up is the problem, and it's sad that it's still the case.

Even calling what she's doing "gender bending" is something of an unfortunate description. Gender bending is something different from transsexualism -- or, at least, while gender benders can also be transsexual, transsexual people aren't necessarily gender benders.

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