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Is This Law Student Serious?

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retrocop | 13:55 Mon 01st Feb 2016 | News
54 Answers
This has to be a joke hasn't it ? If this young lady with her sense of mass entitlement ever reaches the bar I hope she gets her sensitive emotions sorted out first.Pathetic little publicity seeker.


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// I also bet she is a Muslim.........;-) // Are wafer bars banned in the quran then ?
I think Nestle should follow Volkswagen's example and recall all Kit Kats so they can insert the wafers.
Sqad - //I also bet she is a Muslim.........;-) //

You may be right - but what bearing does her religion have on the issue?
Do you think the hijab was specifically chosen?

\\\You may be right - but what bearing does her religion have on the issue?\\\

I didn't say it had any bearing on the subject, it being just "padding."

P.S I admire your post on Terry Wogan and the good old AB RIP notation.
Now let's all tip-toe carefully shall we...Don't want to break any egg-shells do we.
Don't say you've had an creme egg without shell Stuey - hope you've complained.
A wafer fox ache.
Mamy, in a few weeks time I shall be scouring the stores for one of those.
Sqad, //I admire your post on Terry Wogan and the good old AB RIP notation.//

You need to rewind there. He was talking about //the eight-page sob-fest in the Mail.//
And if I find one, I shall use it to make a tort.
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You could well bump into this *** House Lawyer in her endeavour to further her quest for fame.!! :-)

I think your'e making a mountain out of a mole hill
Retro, do the asterisks denote a word beginning with "s" and ending with an "a"?
Good luck to her - is this not good old British gumption - if you don't try you don't get?
I once took some very high cod fillets back to store, warned the young woman before she opened the bag - then quietly stated 'I could have died you know'.

She looked shocked 'But surely you'd have smelled them and not cooked them' - 'It's not that, you don't know my husband when he's hungry' I replied.

We ended up in tears of laughter and I got 3 very fresh packs of cod and some vouchers.
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I think your'e making a mountain out of a mole hill//

Do you indeed.? I am not the one attempting to make ridiculous claims.
It was not a link from the Daily Mail so what's your problem? I am only the messenger.
Media outlets print comedy cuts every day.
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Gracious No. It was a spelling of a certain branch of arabs that sounds she ite.
Oops, I just heard the cracking of an egg-shell.

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