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Katie Hopkins.

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anotheoldgit | 14:14 Tue 23rd Feb 2016 | News
192 Answers

On the News Section we have seen Katie Hopkin's opinions both criticised or supported, but whatever your opinion of her, I am sure most of us will wish to convey all our good wishes along with every success on coming out of this surgery successfully cured of her dreadful epilepsy?

Get well soon Katie.


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You've only got to remember the vile way the lefties "celebrated" Maggie Thatcher's death to realise what an unsavoury bunch of miserable excuses for normal human beings they are.
16:25 Wed 24th Feb 2016

You asked:

Why has this post become a slagging topic?

Because it's about Katie Hopkins, who is a very divisive character.

Had the thread been about Sir David Attenborough, Mary Berry, Sir Trevor McDonald or Dame Helen Mirren, there would probably be a lot more unanimity in the responses.
^ Also 'cos of who put it up. If I or a few others had posted it we'd have got about 6 replies.
On a lighter note. Kate has threatened to run naked down Regents St if we don't vote out in the referendum.
Now there's a quandary for the muesli munchers on here.
I always thought she was fit.
Same as that, douglas.
Pass me a bucket.

I was interested in what you said at 20:47, and wondered whether it was true.

It's not.

In the last three months, there have been 18 threads concerning Ms Hopkins.

On average, there have been 63 responses to those threads.

Ten times your estimate. calculation was off. It's actually an average of 30.

God knows how I managed to pull of a grade C in 'O' Level maths. Even my teacher was shocked.
I might not like every thing she says, but I wish her well.
// Kate has threatened to run naked down Regents St if we don't vote out in the referendum.
Now there's a quandary for the muesli munchers on here. //

I'm already conflicted by voting LEAVE and bankrupting UKIP or voting LEAVE and getting Boris as Prime Minister. One vote, two different consequences.
SP I stand by what I said. My response was directly to answer TWR in why it's turned into a slanging match (considerable exaggeration). It's because AOG posted it and all the usuals join in. It happens in News daily - and I think that's fine, the original subject matter is often irrelevant

If I had posted this thread (or some of the other wallflowers) then I maintain I'd have got about 6 replies with few of the newshounds joining in, possibly not yourself either.
OMG ..wish you would all just be

irrispective of anything ..the wummin has undergone major just SHUT UP .and as human beings wish her well...
You got a grade C sp? Blimey. look at you showing off ;)

x x
I agree with minty,...I cba to read all the posts since the 1st 20 or so,....;)

x x
If she wasn't epileptic, she would most likely want all epileptics shot!!
Ratter, away from here......
Most of the time I think of Katie Hopkins as a confrontational heifer however what she is undertaking regarding her operation is not to be taken lightly and I wish her well. ,
Have any of the abers who have used this thread to make personal insults to each other noticed this is NOT chatterbank ?
No anne, I hadn't :p

x x
Question Author

Yours was the second answer of this thread, when you put:

/// Good to see you're not always a grumpy old git :) ///

After reading some of the later responses, being a "grumpy old git" as you rudely called me is not a patch on some of the others.

Incidentally it is strange that AB's administrator of good manners JTH, has never taken you to task for rudely calling me "a grumpy old git", or the fact that although I once reported your slur it was never removed, but then it would appear there are some who can get away with such things whereas others cannot.

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