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Another Belter From The R0P

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ToraToraTora | 11:58 Mon 29th Feb 2016 | News
259 Answers
Wonder what this poor little sod did to offend.


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and there are no mad christians in lunatic asylums ? oh Puh-leeeez !

and I think Vulcan should get BA - for getting Allahu Akbar right....
I bet he knows because he has seen a few - - - and bombed them

and 3T can you award yourself a BA for minimal use of rhyming slang - ROP may be - but I guessed that must be pro-Islamic

Hey 3T the Bubbles and Mackies are having barney - innit - Gor lumme charlie mate !

[ for mama - Bubbles and Squeak - Greek
Mackies - Mackeson Brown - macedonians
barney - gassing each other in this case
innit - are they not ?
Gor - god
Lummy - Lord me
Charlie -someone else ]
aaah that makes me feel better .....
Lumme - love me...
damn damn damn - I knew it would go wrong if I mis-spoke below me ......
I'm aspiring to pedantry.... ;-)
Translations not required - you'll get RSI.
So nice to be back on the site again. Has anything changed during my absence?
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Hi DB. :-)
well it is a russian story so let us recollect Uncle joe:

Tovarich - the death of one person is a tragedy and the death of a million is a statistic .....
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Aydolf Hitler as the americans now call him - killed 29 million Russians so is he a great man ? discuss ... but not in this column of course
// was /// I mean ^^^^ a little angel has just jumped off to tell me
Sp///Hoping this isn't another Svejk situation, where he announced that I claimed that most terrorist attacks in Europe were committed by non-Muslims...something that later turned out to be cobblers.///

Yes, old fruit, it is complete cobblers but it didn't stop you saying it and linking to some site for half-wits to prove it.
FYI, whilst trawling through your old comments to find it, I felt so sorry for you I vowed not to post it anyway.

so most terrorist attacks ARE by muslims (1)
most terrorist attacks AREN'T by muslims (2)

tell me and put me out of my misery before shooting me

(1) or ... (2) ?

and spare me the usual Schweik guff or schweik-speak such as :
" fweeble fweeble - muslims- fweeble dark mustachioed bandits - fweek - all of them ... " and then a little later schqeik denies saying anything like that

I am not gonna say I am confused
I think (2) is true ..... ( IRA Baader meinhof - depends how far back yo go )


Please post the link. Once you do, we can put this to bed, and you can refer to it again and again on future threads. Right now, I unfortunately have the upper hand, because the lack of evidence suggests that either I didn't actually write that, or that you may have attributed it to me in error (ie. someone else wrote it).

There's a third possibility - and we both know what that is, don't we!

///I am not gonna say I am confused///

No need, peter, no need.
No scweik I am not confused .... is it .... (1) or is it (2) ?
do please tell
This would be the kind of thing you linked to, sp. Be honest, does it look like the sort of site that would be perused by,
a) me
b) you

I know I didn't write it.

I have asked you to provide a link.

You haven't been able to find any post where I've said this.

There's a reason for that.

It's because I never made such a claim.

If, at some point, you find evidence that supports your claim, I strongly urge you to pull me up and post a link to the thread.

Until then, I will leave this subject alone.

I have a newer one to cultivate now...AOG's claim that I somehow paint all white cops as the same.

As long as you leave it alone now...I will not bring it up again.

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