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Another Belter From The R0P

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ToraToraTora | 11:58 Mon 29th Feb 2016 | News
259 Answers
Wonder what this poor little sod did to offend.


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scweik writes X
and then later says he didnt write X

yup find that completely credible
?AOG's claim that I somehow paint all white cops as the same.?

White would that be? but not if they are members of the black police officers association.


Literally don't know why you're bringing that up.
At least one newspaper advises that the reason this woman gave for this murder and decapitation is that her boyfriend has left her.

I have really tried to pick out the 'Muslim' part of that, but so far I have failed.

Can anyone who went banging on about this being 'typical Muslim behaviour' yesterday help me out on this - since you were so convinced that it was her faith that made her do this?

Looking forward to your posts ...
andy-hughes, //At least one newspaper advises ...//

Do you have a link?

//Can anyone who went banging on about this being 'typical Muslim behaviour' yesterday help me out on this - since you were so convinced that it was her faith that made her do this? //

I don't know who said this is 'typical Muslim behaviour' - certainly not me - and I don't think anyone said her faith made her do this, rather that her faith influenced her actions. I can't see that being too far from the truth given the method of slaughter and her subsequent behaviour.

Naomi - //... and I don't think anyone said her faith made her do this, rather that her faith influenced her actions.//

Do you really think the subtlety of semantics like that matter to the bigots who can't wait to jump on the Muslim-bashing bandwagon?

I don't!
andy-hughes, Yes, I do. If you're going to quote people you really should get it right. You don't like being misquoted, I don't like being misquoted - neither does anyone else. It give a false impression.
yup Nigh you re the one who's read the Quran
where does it say that a woman should behead her baby ?
do tell
Please allow me to quote people - since that seems to be an issue -

TTT - //Islam has a recent penchant for this sort of thing.//

TTT - //the original link clearly makes this woman Islamic Andy.//

YMB - //Well she clearly linked her behavior to Islam, by yelling Allahu Akbar and "I am a terrorist," she cries. "I am your death."//

Sir Alec - //You still think that this woman did this because she is insane?
Not because of her religion, even though she was shouting Islamic phrases in the street, whilst carrying the child's head?
Isis are regularly beheading their own teenage followers for listening to Western music on the radio.
So, you are assuming that all of these people are insane. It's not because of their religion?//

TTT - //Andy, I think, shouting "god is great" etc indicates that this woman believes she is doing what Allah would sanction. That seems a clear link to me.//

So, as I said, if any of these people wish to comment on the item in the Mail today - sorry no link - I will be delighted to continue the debate.
andy-hughes, none of those quotes claim her 'faith made her do it' - simply that her religion influenced her actions.

Here’s today’s Daily Mail. Two stories there. One, that her husband had taken a second wife, and the other that she discovered a boyfriend she met in Moscow was married, so who knows?

You said ‘at least one newspaper advises’. Are there any others?
Naomi - //andy-hughes, none of those quotes claim her 'faith made her do it' - simply that her religion influenced her actions.

Here’s today’s Daily Mail. Two stories there. One, that her husband had taken a second wife, and the other that she discovered a boyfriend she met in Moscow was married, so who knows?

You said ‘at least one newspaper advises’. Are there any others? //

Your willingness to keep defending the conclusion-leapers on this thread is admirable - even though it is clearly on shaky ground!

The crucial part of your post is those vital three words - // ... so who knows?//

Who indeed!

Which was exactly my point yesterday!

No-one knows what made this woman commit this crime - and to date she has not ben charged with anything let's not jump to conclusions again shall we!

My point is that the quoted individuals showed a biased and in my view bigoted willingness to link the incident with Muslim extremism - and to date, the lady herself, better qualified than any of us to advise her motives, has not mentioned her faith at all.

The reports advise that she claimed she 'heard voices', and there is mention of 'manic psychosis'.

Are you going to continue to fan the dying flames of the argument, or just accept that this was conclusion-jumping by posters who are more interested in condemning Muslims than they are in waiting for a few facts to turn up.
andy-hughes, we don’t know her reasons for doing what she did – no one has claimed to know her reasons for doing what she did - but there can be no doubt whatsoever that her faith influenced her actions on that day, and that is all the people you are criticising have said.
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Naomi - //andy-hughes, we don’t know her reasons for doing what she did – no one has claimed to know her reasons for doing what she did - but there can be no doubt whatsoever that her faith influenced her actions on that day, and that is all the people you are criticising have said. //

It is unlike you to contradict yourself at all - much less in the same sentence!

You say we don't know the reasons for what she did ... but there can be no doubt whatsoever that her faith influenced her actions on that day.

So which is it?

As my view has pointed out, from the very first post I made - I have no idea why this lady did what she did, which is why I did not bring her faith into it - or the possible influence it may or may not have had on her behaviour.

Others were rather quicker to judge - and that is patently obvious if you read through the thread, and the only reason to argue against that is because either you wish to argue for the sake of it, or you are deliberately failing to read and understand the posts under discussion.
There is every doubt whatsoever that the woman's faith influenced her actions. Maybe it did, but anyone whose husband has cheated on her and who may (or may not) be under the influence of drugs, might act irrationally and murderously. Plainly her background influenced what happened subsequently, of course
ichkeria - I am glad I am not the only one who can see the truth of this situation - no-one knows what this woman was thinking - and her dress code and shouted slogans do not make that any clearer - unless of course your Assumption Machine kicks into gear ...
After coming back to this thread and reading all the comments, I retract my prevous comment that she is mad.
Hopefully soon we will have more clarity.

I did think about Jeffrey Dahmer but soon thought that wasn't helpful.
agchristie - hopefully we will.

And hopefully we may here on this thread from everyone who was so keen to jump to the conclusion that this was a crime motivated by a twisted interpretation of Islam - a scenario that was created by the OP, and ran on from there.
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