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Surely We Are Fast Becoming The Minority?

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anotheoldgit | 13:57 Sun 24th Apr 2016 | News
69 Answers

Judging by the audience Obama is convincing to stay in Europe, why are the white European indigenous population of these Islands, only recognisable by their absence?



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Forget it. I've just reread your point - you were referring to white British.

I realise that you and many others have concerns over the racial mix of London, especially with 'white flight' to the suburbs.

I apologise for misreading your post, and in general for my family and the families of my friends for causing you concern.
Where did Naomi say she was 'concerned'?
SP, for goodness sake ditch the victim mentality! It's ridiculous! I referred to 'white' because that's what the OP refers to - or hadn't you noticed?
Svejk, I didn't. He's imagining things again.
I apologise for misreading your post, and in general for my family and the families of my friends for causing you concern.
Ooh, bit early in the thread to play 'the card' isn't it?
ChillDoubt, it's never too early.
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Matter of interest, do you consider yourself Black/British, Black/English, Afro/British, Afro/Caribean/British, British or English?
One thing that is great about this site is that we do not have to reveal our ethnicity, religion, race, colour or gender or what we are wearing unless we actually wish to, in that case you can receive related comments. Please don't raise the race/colour/religious/political card unless you wish to receive the comments that are likely to be leveled at you.
Point made, I'll get off my soap box now)
Most of us derive from immigrant groups through the centuries - or have taints in from different relatives. So unless you are a flatheaded Celt, such as moi, even though I have some French blood in me from three gens back, I would be very careful about using the word indigenous - as, technically, we are not.

By the way the Queen is mainly German, not an indigenous Brit.
I am white English. So are all my ancestors going back centuries. Cry, God for England, and St George.
david small
Don't forget Harry!! :-)
What's a non-binary person when it's at home?
DTCwordfan, with people like you around this country doesn't need enemies from outside.
I always thought they were like worms. Hermaphrodites or something like that.:-)
Here you go, Jackdaw33, enjoy.
I can't help thinking there's an actual pot of gold at the end of the raainbow nation.
Seems to me it's all created to get funding in one way or another.
I do of course see it from the viewpoint of a despised binary hater as I'm sure an oppressed minority will inform sooner or later.
What a peculiar term to use. Who makes these things up?

I shan't ask for a definition of 'cisnormativity' as my brain hurts already.
For the avoidance of doubt that's a hater who is, apparently, binary and not one who hates binaries, should they exist in a Newtonian universe and not the quantum.
Hard, innit?

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