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/// have that wrong....the present Mayor is not a Tory, and that is what is important. ///
I have got what wrong?
I didn't sat the present Mayor was a Tory, but what I did make clear is the fact that he is a Muslim, and that in this case is what is most important.
/// Londoners had the opportunity to elect a white Tory but failed to do so by quite a large margin, so stop moaning about it. The Tories will get another go in 5 years time. ///
Who but you mentioned colour, they could easy elect a black Tory or even a tanned one who happened not to be a Muslim.
Anyway London Mayors are of little important to those who live out of London, it is the fact that we will have a Tory government for quite a few foreseeable years to come that is of importance, so you just stop moaning about it.