It is rather sad that the apologistas for these deeds have twice tried to tag the label of 'psychological problems' on these followers of Islam. Just state the obvious. They are adherents of a stoneage medieval death cult which they call a peaceful religion. It is an insult to people who suffer mental problems.
Both the Koran and the Bible advocate the killing of homosexuals.
//Leviticus 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them."//
I do not remember any report of any adherents of Christianity ,who have psychological problems, kill or throw homosexuals off high buildings because their religion tells them to.!! It is still there in the bible.
The difference is that Christians would not be allowed to claim they are only following the edicts of the bible in this modern age but we are supposed to accept that Muslims are following their teachings from back to the stoneage.
Be it killing people for their contrary beliefs or wearing a swimming costume is the teachings of a very sick pernicious doctrine and I for one have no trust in any one who would follow this evil whether affiliated to a terrorist organisation or not. Using the excuse of mental illness is a disgusting slur and a apologist cop out.